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Posts posted by truestelf

  1. Bangaii baby update:


    Has anyone ever seen Sudden Fright Syndrome in baby fish? Wow, it's intense!!! I read about it a week ago in an article from Frank Marini. Basically it is a short circuit of the nervous system when a large stimulus is introduced like turning on lights or feeding etc. it is caused by a lack of HUFA's in the diet, and I admit I was not enriching my nauplii. So this morning I added the baby brine shrimp and about half of the baby fish go catatonic..... one right after the other. I was horrified. They were floating on the bottom, stuck in the fake plant, all over the place lying on their sides. I thought I was going to lose the entire clutch. I figured it was SFS. I didn't really know what to do so I just kept them moving. I grabbed the siphon tube I use to collect the brine nauplii and started stirring. Amazingly enough, it worked. Some took longer than others but eventually they all came around. When I left for work some of them still looked a bit wobbly but once I got home they all seemed fine. If I lost any, it's only one or two. It was crazy. They all started feeding and then starting "falling over" on their sides, and sinking to the bottom.


    So now I am enriching my brine cultures with HUFA and phyto. What a freakin pain.


    But the babies are 9 days old today and other than whatever brain damage they sustained this morning :unsure:, they seem to be doing fine. This evenings feeding was uneventful!







    glad everything is going well :O)

  2. I got a brand new dual bulb t-5 light 30 inch fixture with 24 inch bulbs for a 20 gallon tank that will be my frag tank shortly!. Today in the mail and was trying to figure out what bulbs to put in it.

    I just put

    ocean sun 10k

    ultra sun super daylight 6500k


    i am trying to do some hard corals and was wondering if these would work or maybe some different bulbs or such

  3. i am a bringing


    a bucket 1/4 full of black gravel with some various other colors in it enough to do a 30 gallon . FREE FREE if anyone wants it just bring a bucket!



    Tetra cichlid flakes 2 UNOPENED containers


    3 bottles of Tetra exotic sinking min sticks UNOPENED.


    a bottle of Aquron marine flakes 2.29 oz UNOPENED my clown fish didnt like the previous bottle,


    2 8oz bottles of Kent Iodine UNOPENED.



    a 2 1/2 gallon glass tank with glass lid also.

  4. Most likely will be adding a sump that i picked up from Rob for Free that will also be for free, i think it is too small for my skimmer and if it is to small it will be there for whoever wants it, if not it wont.




    30 or 36in t5? and how many bulbs you looking for, i think there are only 24 and 36in bulbs. Put a little more info of what size tank its for, how wide etc ( i have some t5 retro's that could be used to fit just about anything 36in long.)


    Ill have a 6 bulb unit there if your interested just let me know before hand.


    see everyone soon



    30 inch with 24 inch bulbs its for a 30 or a 20 depending on what i can get.

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