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Egg (1/13)

  1. oreally? thank you very much, i had looked at these a couple years ago and re-found them yesterday in aquarium, they are pretty cool
  2. here it is! and can i have this fish at home? or is it poisonous? also here are some more pics for whoever is interested.
  3. Im trying to get the goldfish to become an act, with a sort of house mechanism. First thing i tried to do was get them skinnier, and through that i saw that they filter feeded. I went to wikipedia, and supposedly if you put JUST the right amount (about 1.3 teaspoons) of chlorine, they are able to completely change their personality. The problem is, lately, they dont do anything, they lay on their sides at the top of the fish bowl, they just sleep all day! Im 12 and i just dont know why this is happening!!! my parents said i cant have any more if they keep dying, so hEL!P!P!P!P!!!!!! PLEASE HELP MY SOLVE THE PROBLEM THAT IS MAKING MY GOLDFISHIES SLEEP!!! this is one of the, his name is sebastian. well this is what he looks like, i found him online
  4. They keep dying. I has bought them at fair, and they die like the day of, should i be feeding them? I read online they filter feed, so i didn't need to, is there any filter feed supplement? THANK YOU SO MUCH
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