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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. Love everything except the macbook on the coffee table... You should get a pc. It's what all the cool kids are doing nowadays.



    real nice space and tank,but if you want a computer that works and does not give you lots of virus's stick with the mac :laugh:


    If you want a computer that works, doesn't crash or get viruses, run Linux. That's want the smart kids are doing these days :tongue: . Not to mention, it's free (not free as in beer, but free as in speech) most of the software is open source (free as in beer) and most places you can download the OS for free (as in beer). That said, you fishroom looks great.

  2. That steal wool won't do any damage to the inside of my glass tank, while in between my magnets?



    I'm not really clear on what magnets that would go between. 0000 steel wool is pretty fine, but I don't think I'd do it unless I was having problems with something.


    He's talking about Scotch Brite Pads. They're usually green and you find them in the cleaning section of the grocery store.


  3. I'm gonna have to go with Chad on this. Drilling the sump would be better because you don't want to run the risk of running the pump while it's dry. While running it dry for very short periods of time won't hurt it (much), I don't see the risk outweighing the benefits. If your luck is anything like mine, you would have a problem just after you leave on a two week vacation and your tank sitter couldn't get ahold of you because you're on a plane. By drilling the tank, they could unplug the pump and break the siphon on the drain until you call back and starting the pump would be easy (and you wouldn't run the risk of flooding your house when the pump wasn't primed and your sitter started the drain back too soon).

  4. I am glad things are ok!


    I have seen a lot of heater issues over the years... IMO, it is a pretty wise investement to view heaters as consumable items and replace them every year or two (they are pretty cheap in comarison to the whole investment) and do what Stu says with the water level.

    They are certainly cheaper than a house. I'm glad that everything worked out well for you.

  5. LOL I actually meant it kind of seriously. Would be a useful experiment to test lighting while water chemistry is consistent. Flow would be the only other variable, but I could probably get that fairly consistent too. Artificial vs. sunlight, would be interesting to see.

    Justin, that would certainly make for an interesting study. I also think that it would make an interesting journal article.

  6. Never had a sixline jump out.. A few other wrasses unforunately..

    I have a blue headed that threatens to jump out every time that I raise the lid, but my six line pretty much stays at the bottom. You may want to try this:


    Think: "delete crab and insert fish."

  7. Prior to buying an RO/DI filter, I was buying my water from Pristine Aquariums. They are next to the Home Depot on South Picket. The big problem with going there was that I ended up buying more than water (at 50 cents a gallon). The good thing is that, even though they aren't a sponser, they still give a 10% discount for WAMAS members.

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