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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. Still scared now - maybe some crazy person sneaked in and is hiding in the closet.... should I go grab a kitchen knife or something and put it under my pillow? (half kidding).

    Forrest, In all seriousness, save up, get lessons and buy a gun. Seriously. There are way too many weirdos out there. That said, I'm glad that you got a new bulkhead. For less than $20, you avoided what could have been a major problem.

  2. I'm sorry if I come off as gruff sometimes, but in this hobby that seems to be under attack from many different environmental angles, I suggest reading as much information about the hobby BEFORE you buy equipment.

    I really hate to see the unnecessary loss of fish life that's sure to follow when enough knowledge is not acquired beforehand. When I worked at the LFS and someone wanted to do saltwater, the first thing I sold them was a comprehensive book on the subject.

    Rob, I read your comment and agreed with it. Unfortunately, we can't get voice inflection by typing in a forum. It seems that ArmyMedic is getting frustrated. Many times the LFS isn't clear on how long the initial cycle is going to take and if a person has been into FW, 4 weeks of watching an empty tank can seem like an eternity. I think that I ended up waiting a little longer than that, but I'm patient (with some things). many of us have bee in the hobby long enough that we either accept that the initial cycle can take a long time (and that length of time is NOT written in stone) or we have forgotten what it's like to hear for a month, "Where are the fish?" or even worse, "Where's Nemo?". But I digress...

    ArmyMedic, from what you've described, I have to agree with many of the other posts. What you're doing seems to be on schedule (if there is such a thing). For the next couple of weeks, watch TV, rent some movies, go to the bar, enjoy time with friends, etc. Setting up a SW tank is a little like baking. Once the cake is in the oven, don't mess with it! Just let it do its thing and it'll be fine.

  3. When I worked in HVAC, we would just spit on our finger and run it along where we caulked. It left a nice professional concave finish. I had a helper that asked what you do when your finger has too much on it (after wiping it off with a rag), I don't think that he wanted to put Silicone in his mouth. I told him that he had nine more fingers. :biggrin:

  4. Just a thought as well. When you drill into the top plate with hex heads (most likely) the surface would not be flat. You could put plywood with holes countersunk to match the screw layout so your tank would sit flat on the wood. I am just thinking out loud. You did ask for it...

    You can countersink metal with a hand-held drill, it's just easier with a drill press.

  5. Chad, I'm sure that you had an erector set when you were a kid. If you're going to use all mechanical fasteners, you may want to drop the extra coin and go stainless (with stainless fasteners). You can find most of the strengths of materials on the 'net and from there fall back on your freshman physics class (or trig) for the appropriate angles. BowieReefer makes an excellent point, though, make sure that it'll fit through your door.

  6. What are you using to clean up the stand now, and what's on it? I'm planning on removing what I think is an ancient coat of varnish from an old stand and I'm wondering what would be good to use, preferably with minimal effort involved.


    When its cleaned up, I was going to stain it sort of a dark maple and then put on a few coats of varnish used for marine applications. Does anyone have any experience with stains covered by varnish?

    Mark, just about any paint stripper will do the trick, although, the "non-toxic" stuff takes longer to work, then just scrape it with a putty knife. After you have everything stripped off, take it outside, and squirt it down with your hose. Let it dry. At this point, you can use ordinary Clorox to clean up streaking (just spray it on straight, then squirt it off with the hose after a few minutes). Let it dry again. Sand it. Now you can stain it. I would use Valspar's shellac based stuff or their marine grade stuff for finishing.

  7. The "pajama" Cardinals that I have school (so what) and they're very hardy and reasonably cheap. They were the first fish I put in my tank and I wanted something screw-up proof (or at least resistant), cheap (I think that I paid $15 each) and non-aggressive. What I didn't want was to put something like damsels in then have to worry about them beating on everything to follow. The only problem that I experienced was convincing them to eat pellets rather than demanding mysis shrimp.

  8. If it were me painting my stand and I wanted to make the best finish possible, I'd use Imron polyurethane enamel. It ain't cheap, but it is extremely durable. Sand the stand, 2 ooats of primer with sanding between coats, then 3 coats of Imron and sanding, then 3 coats of clear and sanding between coats.

    You'll have the best looking stand anywhere.

    Generally, when I paint something, I will put on more primer than the paint because primer is usually just cheap paint anyway. I've had excellent results with this:

    Zinsser Primer

    And they should be able to color it for you, close to the color that you need. Then cover with a Gloss or Semi-gloss. I doubt that you'll need to use sanding sealer when you're done though.

  9. Steve, one of the mistakes that people make when they're painting is not getting enough paint on their bush. If you feel your bush drag (even a little), time to get more paint on it. If you have enough paint on your bush, the paint will fill in the brush strokes. The easiest way to ensure that is to tap your brush on the side (inside!!!) of the can rather than scrape it. Remember that you shouldn't be exhausted after painting something as small as your stand and you'll be alright.

  10. Forrest, you're half right on the crushed coral. MOST FW tanks require low pH, but for Cichlids, they need pH at around 8 (and change). You really don't need to cycle a FW tank like you do SW. One of the things about FW is most of the fish are a lot smaller, so your bio-load is less. I would go with gravel (and put the crushed coral in my sump), a small heater, an Aqua Clear HOB filter (I've never liked the air pump method for a tank and the only time that I use it is for minnows when I'm fishing). One thing that is nice about a tank that small is that your 10% change is only going to be a quart :biggrin: . That said, you should be able to put in a couple of tetras or some of Roni's swards and they would be happy with a few plants (real ones if you want something really cool). I think that you'll find FW much easier than SW, but it does come with it's own challenges and you use platies for algae control.

  11. Too bad I didn't have these Zappers when you guys invited me to speak out there. I would have donated some to the raffle wirth those rubber bulb feeder things.

    Are you guys still using those?

    So far I made over 60 Zappers and I am just about keeping up. I applied for a patent and hopefully they will one day be manufactured by a company besides me.

    I don't know when that will be or how much they will cost. I don't buy anything from China so I want to get then built here in the US if that is possable.

    I was getting ready to ask if you had applied for a patent.

  12. I'm sure that Doug knows where all of those pipes go. Big ones = drain, little ones = return. When I worked in HVAC, I was doing the rough in when the plumbers showed up. He asked my where I was running my duct. Of course, I showed him and that's exactly where he ran his 4 inch waste water pipe. Ah, the things you can do with a sawzall! At another job, all of the duct and plumbing was blueprinted. There were 12 identical condos. On 11 I get there first, the twelfth, he got there first and ran his waste water pipe through where my return was going. Needless to say, I cut that pipe too, only diagonally, for about four feet.

  13. By all means, keep up posted. While most of us know to be careful around reef tanks, some of us aren't as careful as we should be. For instance, I routinely stick my hand in my tank to move stuff around without wearing gloves and I know better. We have a member that poured boiling water on some polys and inhaled the fumes, spent three days in the hospital and was on steroids for a month and I'm sure that he knew better (at least he does now). If it make you feel any better, we've all done dumb things that seemed like a good idea at the time.

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