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Posts posted by Inspector

  1. Has anybody done creative work in their own tank to lessen the noise in the overflow box and sump? These two waterfalls are deafening in my living room and I am at a loss. Rather than experiment with several different options I have considered, I'd like to pay somebody for his/her time (and materials of course) if there is a handier person than I willing to help out.

    Please let me know if you think you might be able and available to help some time in the next 2-3 weeks. I live in Rosslyn near the metro.





    For the noise in your overflow, I have found the Hofer gurgle buster seems to work the best. Virtualy silent, but which ever method you use will reduce your flow alittle. Your sumps noise can be redused with a tee installed inline just before it enters the sump. With a 90 turned up and aprox. 6 inches of pipe. This will reduce the preasure of the water crashing down into the sump.

  2. I just started a 150 and decided to go with T5's. I have 12 3ft. 39 watters with geisemann bulbs. The end caps and ballasts are Ice cap. Three ballasts configured so I can turn different bulbs on at different times. Love the look.

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