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El Camaron

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Posts posted by El Camaron

  1. petsmart sells 20 or 25 pound bags of dry aragonite sand for 19.99 and you can just get one of the wamas members to donate some live sand if you dont have any.

  2. I don't think "budget" and "led" go together unless you DIY.


    I agree, even for some DIY kits.


    Very nice start for sure, i wish i would have gone a more economical route but this hobby is crazy and will consume you at one point.

  3. move went way better than i expected, i basically bought 4 5 gallon buckets with lids amd one teg gallon tank, i used the ten gallon tank for housing most of the frags, placed stratigivally so they dont sting each other, put some of the loose rocks and some bigger comolines in the buckets and left about 3 gallons of water, some rock and sand in the tank for the move as i was not able to catch a single fish. I have a decent in home picknick table that has a removevale top which is very tick wood so i used that to transfer the tank, i slid the tank on to it and was able to have a better grip after and then did the same for putting it back at the new place, i still have not done a water change but plant to later today, moving has been a pain in the butt, but at least the tank is done a for a few months :clap:

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