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Posts posted by Novi

  1. I have read about Kalk, watched videos on it and I still do not understand it...LOL

    I know it can raise your PH when dosing it. Thats the whole point of using it correct? Most dose in there water top off but that scares me. What if your top off were to stick, then you would have a Kalk overdose!

    And if you have a refugium (Large enough one) and run an opposite light schedule on it to your DT so your PH doesn't drop at night, do you really still need to run Kalk?

  2. Get a small Media Reactor, a small pump and run ROWAPhos. Youtube it to see what it can do. Give it 2 to 3 days and it will all be gone. But then you have to find out out why your getting it in the first place. SOunds like your getting high Phosphates from your water as well as maybe overfeeding. With such a small tank (29G) you have less room for error.

  3. you'll love that skimmer. I've got the SRO XP 5000INT and it fills up a big collecting cup every day. If it were me, I'd get a dart gold and use that to feed your tank. Lots of flow, high efficiency, dependable, and you don't really have any head pressure.



    Dude!! That skimmer showed up yesterday... Holy Crap I didn't realize it was so Big!! I am not even kidding! Should skim the poo out of the tank (Ahhh thank you) lol

  4. Ryan


    I ordered the Super Reef Octopus 3000 External Cone. The reviews were just too good and its an awesome skimmer from the vids I watched on Youtube.


    Return Pump I have not gotten yet. Still looking.


    The Sump I sent the design to Naga and am still waiting to hear back. I dunno? I may give a DIY a try and make my own Acrylic Sump. It actually looks pretty fun to do and not to difficult if you have the right tools.

  5. **Update**


    100 lbs. of BRS Pukani Dry Rock delivered yesterday. They are all great looking and should make for an awesome reefscape! Also came was my 10 lb. Marco Rock Cement Bucket as well as my 3/8" & 1/2" Acrylic Rods :cool:


    Ordering my RO/DI Water Unit tomorrow so I should be able to start cooking my rock by the mid-end of next week.


    Hmmm... what else was ordered?


    Stay tuned for pics :ph34r:

  6. What do you guys think about this Sump / Fuge Design? I wanted a huge Fuge Area filled with macro Algae and LR Rubble because I want to just hammer Nitrates in it. The Sump/ Fuge will be two parts connected by a Bulkhead. Because of the Opening to the Stand this is how I can only fit something of this size. The Skimmer and Pump are drawn to exact size representation.



  7. Ok so what it basically seems to me is just adjusting the Gate or Ball Valve to only be open as much as it needs to be so no air is being sucked in and making that horrible gurgle yes? And also having one shorter pipe for your main drain and your second pipe for being for Emergency.


    But having two corner overflows how would this work? One would just be for emergency? Something doesn't sound right because it would constantly be full of water with no movement inside the overflow on the Emergency side wouldn't it?

  8. On the herbie the gate valve (or ball) goes on the full siphon, and is adjusted to match the return pump as close as possible. The other 1" (backup so to speak) has no restriction and is set at a level above the full siphon in the overflow chamber. It may take a small amount of water that doesn't go through the full siphon. Important to note the full siphon should exit at 1"-2" below water level in sump.


    The bean animal has a THIRD drain that truly acts as an emergency should the full siphon with gate valve stop draining. Roni has set up this system on his new tank.


    I appreciate the info truely but I have absolutely no idea what your talking about with the Herbie Design?

    I was going to just run both 1" Drains straight into the sump with a Ball Valve on both. Do you think I should connect them and just go 2 into 1? Similar to how I would go on the return?

  9. The Bubble Blaster/Water blaster pumps are supposed to be pretty good. The Tunze return pump is really nice as well, though pricey. I'm of the less flow from the sump to the tank and more flow inside the tank school myself.


    On my last tank (90G) I felt the same way till I had dead spots in my tank and wished I had gone bigger. That was off a MAG Drive 12.

  10. Wow that sucks.... But I do not feel comfortable re-drilling my tank so the Dual 1"'s will have to do.

    I will go with a smaller pump. I do not want an internal pump though simply because I do not want the added heat that goes along with it.


    What do you guys think about this pump?


    Water Blaster HY 7000

    Circulating Water Pump

    * HY7000W

    * Watts: 88 watts

    * 97% efficiency

    * Max Flow=1,800gph

    * Max Head= 12 ft

    * Inlet: 1.25" / Outlet: 1"

  11. Well the Bulkheads drilled in the overflow are for 1" and I have dual so (2) 1" Drains. Should I increase that size with a coupler like a 1" to 1.5 or 2" into the sump?


    I do not have a Closed Loop setup. I was planning on running (2) Vortech MP60's for powerheads on opposite sides of the tank.


    I will also probably splice in a Media Reactor off the return pump as well... I dont know? That might be too much flow...lol

  12. I've read the "How to Calculate a Return Pump" page that talks about Head Loss and whatnot and I do not understand it...lol Well kinda.


    I have a Dual Overflow 200 Gallon Tank and will probably have roughly a 50-60 Gallon Sump/Fuge directly undernieth it in my stand. So.... what I am looking at is the Reeflo Super Dart Gold Pump (4300 GPH). Does that sound about right? If it's too much flow I can always add a Ball Valave and restrict it some what correct?

    I just do not want to completely suck my sump dry with something to powerful :tongue:

  13. Do you have any kind of media reactor to help lower Nitrates, Phosphates? I'd try running RowaPhos which is pricey but awesome or some kind of Bio-Pellet to help fight the good fight. Also if your fish dont eat there food within 2-4 minutes your feeding to much.

  14. 1. The temperature swings in the tank and trying to stabilize them during the Summer months and not having a Chiller.


    2. T5's and all there different configurations to try and get the perfect lighting look!!


    3. Cyano!

  15. I have no updates yet. I am saving and still planning. I really do like the control you have with LED's and most people seem to like them. That being said, there really is nothing like a nice 20K MH/T5 setup... you know what I'm talking about with that real nice crisp blue tint look :cool:


    I dunno... I am still reading and watching Youtube Videos about the AI setups. Ecotechs LEDs are very nice as well but I need (4) fixtures for my tank space and theres no way I am dropping $3K on just lights.


    The problem I am running into right now is my Sump Design. I have alot of space inside the stand but the doors on either side are only 17" Wide by 23" High. And I want a BIG FUGE so I can contain my Trates in that rather than in my DT. Problem I had with my 90 Gallon was my Fuge compartment was only like 10-12 Gallons and basically did zilch.


    So the designs I have for the sump is something like a Tetris Block and will have to be plumbed together in seperate peices once in the stand. I dunno..... I might get Jeff (Naga) to build me something amazing like he does.

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