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Posts posted by Jim

  1. Steve, I have a fixture from Robert that is over my 30x30 cube. It is 36 LED's on 6 24" aluminum rails. Does a pretty great job of spreading the light and keeping the intensity high enough to grow SPS. Might be something to consider. Obviously it would involve taking your current fixture apart.



  2. I'm picking up a custom sump tonight. I'll post pictures when I get it, although you can tell from the couple of pictures already posted that he does quality work.

  3. As far as books are concerned, I'd recommend the following:

    Dynamic Aquaria

    Modern Coral Reef Aquarium vol 1-3

    the 2 Calfo books.


    I'm a little confused by the Modern Coral Reef books. I was under the impression that each volume was just an updated version of the last. Is this not the case?

  4. Welcome to the club Jim. You probably live 1 or 2 miles from me and are welcome to take a look if you want some ideas. I live off Fort Hunt road.






    I live in the Belleview development. I would love to see an actual running reef.



  5. I just purchased a 120 gallon (4x2x2) tank and have decided to make the jump from freshwater to salt. I anticipate eventually having a reef, but I'd like to start a FOWLR tank first. That being said, all my equipment purchases are going to be made with a future reef setup in mind. I have the tank now, plan on building the stand and canopy soon and will figure all the rest of the equipment out from there. My first purchase is going to be The Coral Reef Aquarium by Ron Shimek. Just for reference, I live about a mile south of Old Town Alexandria so if anybody wants to show off their tank at some point I'd be willing to take a look :). I look forward to meeting everybody in the future.


    Take care,



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