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Posts posted by cabrerad

  1. Grav,


     I would suggest thinking about building your own stand (unless you can find one built by another reefer).  This way you can fit the sump and decor you want and not have to compromise.



  2. I have succesfully treated ick with garlic.  I just finely chopped up a few garlic cloves and mixed it in with the fish food.  It has worked every time.  Anyone else tried garlic?



  3. If you go RO/DI you should be able to get 0 TDS (ppm) at least until the filters start to get old.  With respect to the size of the prefilter, I would recommend against a realy small pore size.  I would suggest going with a 5-10 micron prefilter.     If you use a smaller pore size in the prefilter you will get early pressure loss at the first stage once the filter becomes dirty (so less water is made).  You should opt for a unit that has larger (5-10 micron) prefilter, and then say 5 and 1 micron carbonfilters after that.  That way you are filtering down to 1 micron before the RO membrane while not affecting the pressure as much.


    I got my RO/DI here:




    I have the Typhoon model (2 years now) and it works very well.  They also have water units for human consumption and I think a dual unit.






  4. In my experience, (at least with the yellow heads) is that the make 2-3 holes with one being  highly preferred. After that they stick pretty much with the favorite hole. So they ae not going to tear up all of the substrate.  Once they make a favorite hole, I would not mess with it as it will stress them and cuase them to dig more.  They are jumpers, so you need to secure the top of your tank.  As for getting them in the DC area, that is hit and miss.  You might want to contact some stores and make a request and see if they can bring some in.  I have seen some jawfish at Marine Scene recently.  



  5. Hello,



    I just paid the membership fee, but unfortunately cannot make the upcoming meeting due to a previously planned ski trip.  Anyways, I have several Caulastrea frags (green ones and pink ones) as well as green Ricordia florida for sale.  The actual frags can be viewed on frags.org.  I'll give a discount to WAMAS members just like I do for frags.org members.

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