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Posts posted by stank

  1. I have a 6"7" yellow belly and when I got he hid in the rocks for a few days also, no he is very out and bold all day. He wants to be king of the tank but he cant compete with my 12" blonde naso so he just falls in line. Great overall fish, where did you pick yours up if you dont mind me asking?

  2. In my opinion I would use a smaller return pump, something in the 1200gph range, you really dont need that much flow through your sump. If that is even a option for you however.

  3. As far as a good UV unit, Aqua Ultraviolet is one of the better ones out there, the bulbs are suppose to last longer than most. Also, I dont know from experience but its said that the wiper models are a waste of money.

  4. 3 years ago I bought a 125 softy tank with snails, crabs and a coral banded shrimp. The tank was setup for four years and all the fish were put in within the first six months, Two groupers, lion, puffer, yellow tang, sohal tang, few damsels and the niger. Needless to say all the fish were very large and all got along great. I only kept the tangs so I didnt see them but the two days prior to the break down of the tank. They all got along great and were very healthy. He said the trigger was a model citizen though.

  5. With your tap water being in the 185 tds range, the water out of your r/o should read 1-2 tds . when it starts to read over 5-7 tds you might want to replace some filters.

  6. Cant go wrong with ASM, I would try to get a used G3 or go over budget a little and get a new one. Then do the recirc mod and it will skim the heck out of your 120.

  7. I have had great success with all fish and inverts from Roozens, I never quarantine any fish, I believe it does more harm than good. You just have to be smart about your purchases and know what you are buying. If theres any sign or doubt of its health or behavoir, leave it alone. I do however recommend checking very carefully for any hitchhikers on rock or corals before you add it to your system. This goes for every store in the country. Dont be mad at roozens if you had a bad experience, they dont make you buy it, be mad at yourself.



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