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Posts posted by mutley29

  1. No problem, especially if we get to see that behemoth

    I'll post my work schedule tonight, i'm a bloke i can't think that far ahead






    I would like to tag along on that road trip as well. If you don't have a date in mind yet, I am available the w/o Aug 14 anytime (stay at home mom) :biggrin:


    Also, as an added bonus, we may be able to "pop in" on my new friend Vince, who recently bought my Crosshatch Trigger. Vince has a 600 gal tank with an amazing setup...so I have heard. He is also good friends with Marvin so we may get a "special tour".


    Here is Vince's tank with "JT" my Crosshatch trigger happily swimming along...



    Check out that Black tang on the right. Wow :eek:




  2. Note: Bluechins have a noted tendency to jump - that is how I lost mine after a year in my tank.


    True, my male has jumped out of the tank, luckily i was walking past my fish room when it happened, it was quite surreal, i dashed in and dropped him back in the tank, carpet fluff n all.

    I am now working on egg crating the back opening of my tank.



  3. I have Bluejaws in my 240, they as far as i am aware are doing very well




    I keep them well fed, they come to the surface when i'm working on or behind the tank, i have on occassion seen my sallylightfoots with a several legs missing, but over all they are a geat fish with tons of personality






    I've read they will grow anywhere from 9" - 12" :biggrin:








    Anton :bounce:

  4. 2 Litre soda bottles filled with RO/DI and frozen are good at dropping temps too, and there is no worry if it leaks when filled with RO/DI. I'm sure there will be more scorchers on the way



    And although high temperatures are bad for a system, big swings in temp over a short space of time are the main worry, dropping your tank from a daytime high of say 84 to a nightime 77 will show very quickly in your inhabitants if it happens repeatedly



    Just be sure to leave some expansion room in the bottle.





  5. I'd just get Females and they will adjust to suit, and with one settled and eating already in the tank, it should make the transition easier for them.




    By all accounts the Carberry's that i have are swines to fully acclimate i.e. get eating prepared foods, but mine took to eating as soon as they were released from their baggy confines, go figure.









  6. Sorry to hear that


    One of my Lyretails in my old tank changed when my male went for a walk one day, the colours and behaviour were amazing to watch, it took about 2 weeks to change, if it's a solitary female it may not change.



  7. Any luck yet with the frozen brine or mysis?






    They are with 3 clowns ( one black and white perc , 2 false perc), six line wrase and a lawnmower blenny. They are very nice looking fish and the were nice size. Price was also unbeatable! Ill try the brine shrimp with selcon. Would garlic help entice them to eat or is that just for tangs?

    If you have room in your car, I'd be willing to come along and help with gas. :)




    No problem, i have room.




    She is away from 4th - 28th Aug, I'll let you know when i'm going





  9. Totally agree


    I was down in Richmond overnight and swung by Marvin's this morning, one word "AWESOME"


    The vision of that Macna Deltec behemoth as you walk in through the door is a real jaw dropper, everything Rudy says is spot on, and Marvin (Wednesday - Sunday) knows his stuff, I believe he will be doing WAMAS Discount too (someone please correct me if i'm wrong).


    For those that didn't do the social, this is a must see establishment, you won't be disappointed.


    I can feel a couple of road trips to Richmond next month when my wife is in Australia on business


    Anton :bounce:


    I traveled down from northern VA to Richmond on business today. Since I was in town I decided to call Atlantis Aquariums and get directions to stop by and check them out. I am very glad I did!! This shop far exceeded my expectations and far exceeds any of the local LFS in northern VA. This is a very dedicated group that takes great care in the handeling of the customer and live stock. Great display tanks, well organized and the selection far exceeded anything I have seen around here.


    I am only writing this because I have been to the stores around here and feel that the trip down 95 for excellent specimens, great value and great service will be something I plan on more often. Carpool anyone?


    The upcoming social should be a great time.


    FYI: They have a large shipment arriving on 5/11. I would make a trip down this weekend to check it out.

  10. Not a worry Byron




    The way England are playing at the moment, we need all the hijacking we can get.




    The only beast we are unleashing boredom




    Some England regular season pay check stats for you




    Wayne Rooney - Manchester United - Born: UK, 1985 - Unmarried, girlfriend


  11. I was wondering if anybody else was using Phytofeast to feed their systems.




    I picked up a bottle from MS a couple of weeks ago instead of DT's and so far i have been impressed with the look of my tank, lots of things seem to have perked up, now i'm not sure if it is down to this or that i have finally hit the nail on the head with keeping my tank at a happy medium, but one thing is for sure




    It doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as DT's :biggrin:




    Anyone else getting good or bad results











  12. Hi Rudy



    To get the actual pics in your post, when you log into photobucket under each of the pics you uploaded you will have 3 long boxes, Url, Tag & img, cut and paste all of whats in the bottom IMG box and paste to your post, then your pics will be right there with your explanation.

    Like this






  13. Just wondering if anyone was using this software to help with their systems


    If so is it worth it, i've downloaded it and played for 5 mins


    Bad side is it has an expenses keeper, if you download, make sure you don't fill this out in case your other half finds it



  14. That's something i hadn't considered at all to be honest Jake




    These guys are supposed to reach between 9 - 12" in length, the pair i have are around 7 - 8" so thought they were juvenile.




    John at BRK gave me a little nudge as i was on the fence as to whether to buy them, i had them on my fish wish list for the new tank, but was leaning more toward a large Carberry Anthias harem, i haven't regretted the purchase at all, they are beautiful fish with ton's of personality and character, which is why this is bothering me, she doesn't appear to be in distress and as i said earlier she is still eating heartily




    Thanks for the info, i'll try dig up some info on it





  15. Evening all




    My female Blue Throat trigger is giving me cause for concern :(




    over the last couple of days she has been swimming about the tank predominantly on her sides, she is eating well, as the pair always have. She has no visible signs of stress, swelling, inflamation, loss of scales nothing.




    She seems to be spending more time than usual resting in between the rocks.




    Would this be characteristic of a swim bladder problem?


    I've read somewhere that kidney infections can cause problems with the swim bladder as well as bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and cancer, or even air trapped in the fish, and she does seem to prefer the food that rises to the surface as not many of my other inmates/tankmates bother with the stuff headed to the overflow.




    The only sort of remedy to bladder problems i have found is feeding them a Pea, fibre i suppose, works wonders




    Am i missing something really obvious




    Any help/info/advice appreciated




    Anton 60da41b7.gif

  16. Hi Madmax


    Try a kalk reactor and regular water changes, on my old tank i only ran a Ca reactor and didn't see that much growth, but since adding just a kalk reactor my monti growth is amazing, don't ask me why, i kept my Ca & Alk levels up when running the Ca reactor but never saw good growth, maybe it was due to the 20k's i was running at the time as opposed to the 10k's i'm running now.


    Suffice to say i'm very happy with my Deltec Ca reactor from BRK and my Geo kalk reactor


    And they are a lot cheaper than a Calcium reactor especially if you build your own






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