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Posts posted by mutley29

  1. I had some , i forget where from, but they died a while back and would like some again.


    With the surge in LED tech lately and the array of lighting companies, I'm after everyone's Views, Reviews & Thoughts.


    Perhaps my clowns will start spawning again providing free food to my tank :)

  2. Vent it outside if possible, a dedicated line would be best if you can do it, but piggy backing on an existing line will work also.




    The HVAC unit will cool the room, make sure ur cold air returns are wrapped or you will get moisture build up on them.




    Keep air in the room circulating well, helps prevent moisture build up on surfaces.




    I have a 240 gal tank in fish room, with little to no humidity





  3. The lights flickered just after 6pm in Manassas City, but i think it hit this side of PW County and some of Fauqiuer. all of the Bus 234 was at a standstill.




    All was ok with me, hope no-one suffered any losses.




    How long was it out for?





  4. As with all things, sometimes they work as planned, sometimes they don't.




    I had a Copperband in my system for 3 1/2 years until a couple weeks ago, see pic below.






    Prior to getting the CBB, i tried, Pep shrimp, Joe's Juice, Boiling water, Kalk paste and covering them with epoxy, none worked as well as the Butterfly, In my current tank i have zero Aiptasia in the display side, my overflows are full of them, i even used to scrape a few out to feed to my CBB.




    In the time i had that fish it NEVER nipped corals, clam mantles or bothered any other fish






    They are a delicate fish, maybe i was lucky and found it a very easy fish to care for.




    Here's some good info on Aiptasia




    Hope this helps



    based on recent posts - we all know what Chip and howie will be wearing if the power does go out and they have to sit around in undies - can you say Th_ _ g. :eek:







    Please, i'm trying to eat here


    ??? sure about that? I don't have one, but have seen many use it without buckets underneath...




    True, had mine for over a year, never had a problem nor a leak.




    I would go with the 4-way, very versatile and reliable, and if you have any problems Paul from OM responds to emails very very quickly and will call you to sort out all/any problems.




    OM rocks

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