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Posts posted by AQUACO

  1. Bubble Magus... I have 12 different aquarims that I use the Balling method on. The oldest doser of the 12 is 2.5 years.... They all have worked flawlessly. The WAY more exspensive Profilux is a great unit as well.


    I have no experience with SWC dosers but....


    For an amazing Doser... The Coral Shop "Tower Profi" and "Flexdrive Quadra"


    The BRS work great on a controller...as well as the Tunze stand alones..

  2. ok, if it is a serious infection. Tomorrow will most likely be the day you will see change. It could be as minor as a simple bacterial infection. Where dips in freshwater as discussed can help.. Once upon a time I witnessed a few cures of simple fungal infections with using (Pimafix/Melafix combined) in a freshwater dip. I am routing for you and the clowns! If you get a change snap a close up pic...

  3. Freshwater Dip, with fresh RODI water, similiar temp, for a few minutes.



    Good advice, Match the PH of the Fresh Water Dip to Your Aquarium Please..... My tap water is 7.0, my aquariums are 8.4. Fresh water dips are incredibly effective against certain Flukes and external Flatworms. 5 minutes, they get very lethargic and respire heavily. I use dechlorinated Tap water buffered to 8.2, floated in the tank in a heavy duty gallon ziplock. Why tap water? I was taught by a very smart man a long time ago.


    By the way, do you know if the clowns are captive or wild caught?


    I still have a gut feeling it is Brook.


    I know Sean from Fins and Feathers has put alot of time into prevenitive treatments as well as identifying ailments.... maybe he can chime in.

  4. Lymphocystis typically is seen on the fins on saltwater fish although it is not uncommon to see growths on the skin as well. However the infection tends to start on the fins.


    There are arguments by many that there no cure for Lymph. I have never cured it. I have been able to control the growths by trimming the fins using iodine on the fin after the "surgery".


    I am not an expert on identifying illness. In fact many illnesses in regards to fish are misdiagnosed. Cultures and scrapings under a microscope (and an educated knowledge base) is the only way to truly diagnose. Ick, well thats an easy one. IMHO I dont think it is Lymph... I believe it is protazoal...


    Is there a coating or film on the fish. Bite Marks? Are they scratching, breathing heavy? Are they Eating? Are they wild caught or captive raised.


    Clownfish are very prone to being infected with "Clownfish Disease" or Brooklynella . At the onset fish may scrap up against objects, rapid respiration develops, and fish often gasp for air at the surface as the gills become clogged with mucus. Fish become lethargic, refuse to eat, and colors fade, but the most noticeable difference that sets Brooklynella apart from Oodinium is the heavy amount of slime that is produced. As the disease progresses a thick whitish mucus covers the body, usually starting at the head and spreading outward, skin lesions appear, and it is not uncommon for signs of secondary bacterial infections to arise.


    If it is the store should be called and pics sent..... Nasty affliction.....

  5. it was so long ago I dont remember what it was, but I think it was the bio assy, and I think the formula quickly changed after that disaster. After hours on the phone and finally getting someone to talk to me, because they were afraid of a law suit I think, what they came up with was that beacuse I was using RC, a "synthetic salt" with cheleating agents in it, which the CS did not have, all the heavy metals that were bound up by the agents in the RC were released into my water and killed my tank. Now, I still dont know what to believe, and some of the answers that I was getting from them were obviously riduculas and probably would have made the normal person go away. I wanted to know what happend chemically that caused my tank to basically turn inside out in 12 hours, and they couldnt / wouldnt help me decipher it. SOO what I said above is what I eventually walked away with as the answer from them, dont know if its anywhere near what really happened but, thats their story and they are sticking to it.





    Did it at least melt the ice on your drive way? :biggrin:

  6. I had a VERY bad experience about 8 years ago with the salt, and due to the way the company handled my need for help I will not ever endorse, carry or use it. Basically it crashed my personal tank with a simple water change as I tried to change from RC. If you want the whole story come in and I would be happy to share it with you. Lets just say I used the rest of the box to salt the ice on my driveway........




    I remember hearing about this... Was it the Bio-Assay Formula? I know the "Crystal Sea" has some sort of de-chlorinator in the mix. I can see why that would cause an issue in a reef aquarium,,,,,used it to melt ice on your driveway....Lol that the 2nd time you made me spit soda today...lol

  7. I did experience this, then i started using chloramine specific filters in my ro prefilter and that was the end of that.


    Had that covered and then some.... but once switching to Reef Crystal and Breaking the Budget the diatoms went away. Id like to give it another try sometime. Easy to get get and a local supply too!

  8. 6.jpg


    I cannot tell for sure if the coral on the left is the same one as AQUCO posted above (maybe, colors seem the same, but the first pic has the coral fully retracted and I can't find the same shapes), but I definitely have a piece of this one - let me see if I can get a good pic.


    As for big enough to frag... not yet. I like my frags to mature into colonies before I put them under the knife, and this one has some time yet. (crazy how many requests I received for frags of it, though!!)



    Nope different one!!!! Wish I had those two back!

  9. Reston Glass sells a bottled lubricant made for "Hi Risk" drilling. Pretty inexspensive and every little thing you can use that can maximize your success on this job might payoff. BTW.....How old is this aquarium. I have had the unfortune to see a 265 prefecto explode like a shotgun blast when a goof ball that I used to know insisted it was not tempered.... man it was loud. It was however from the early 2000's.. had a build date of 2001 if I can remember. Remember to wear eye protection and a kevlar vest!!!

  10. the little baby clowns with most certainly become filter fodder once introduced to the overflow and pump on the nano cube...


    Must Reads:


    Clownfishes-Joyce Wilkerson


    Plankton Culture Manual- Frank Hoff and Terry Snell


    Very Basic but successful ways to breed (Er.... successfully breed....not my me failed everytime) clownfish....


    I have always wanted to do this but I always would get something wrong....

  11. Once upon a time, I came across this fish often... I would always request a "Blue Eyed Kole" and 50% of the time this fish showed up. From what I remember they were moderatly aggressive toward other tangs. As a matter of a fact I have one living a in a large fuge all by him self because he couldnt play well with other,,, Im tagging along to see the classification of this one,,,, Hawaiian, let me do some research....



    Wacca think?



  12. I picked up a very small blue line tang a couple of weeks ago and it's currently trying to kick some ich and then grow so it can possibly be added to my tank. I am unable to find much information on them and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them? Seems like they're related to the Kole tangs as this was sold under the name "blue eyed tang" despite the fact that it doesn't have the blue eyes and doesn't appear to the be the same as a blue eyed Kole tang (no dots, only stripes on its head). Based on what I've seen online, sounds like they are in the Ctenochaetus genus, but I'm not convinced of that. The body shape and the mouth seem more similar to an Acanthurus tang than a Ctenochaetus. This is the only site I've found that provides information on them but what it provides is very sparse. http://www.azgardens.com/p-1658-blue-line-tang-saltwater-fish.aspx


    Any help or knowledge would be appreciated. I haven't gotten a good shot of it but will try to later.



    Once upon a time, I came across this fish often... I would always request a "Blue Eyed Kole" and 50% of the time this fish showed up. From what I remember they were moderatly aggressive toward other tangs. As a matter of a fact I have one living a in a large fuge all by him self because he couldnt play well with other,,, Im tagging along to see the classification of this one,,,, Hawaiian, let me do some research....

  13. LPS... candy Coral


    Someone got a steal on this gem!




    One of a Kind... Sat there for weeks...... WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!




    Not Exactly sure....only seen one ever like it... Baby Blue....... Another one that se forever.....




    Always stocked,,,,



  14. THE..best SpS to ever grace the DC area....... Hummmm wonder if they would still be as popular....




    I hear this piece is 34" across today








    Ill take Two Please!








    This cherry lasted 20 seconds before it was picked.... Bag it Up.....



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