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Posts posted by 'Ric

  1. Green Mithrax Crabs are commonly called Emerald Crabs, and Red Mithrax crabs can be called Ruby Crabs, or more often just Red Mithrax crabs.


    I didn't used to add iodine supplement to my system, but when I finally did (Tech-I) my Sally Lightfoot molted the next day. So, I think crabs do need iodine to molt, too.





  2. I have a leopard wrasse that twice has been gone for three days at at time. He's gone again now. I worry because he has an eye problem I effectively treated with medicated food before, but if I can't find him I can't target feed him.

  3. I have a green-on-purple ric that split, but otherwise my rics just seem to get bigger and add mouths. A couple have at least three mouths each. I keep debating whether or not I should "help" them split with a razor, but I would hate to do it wrong an kill one.



  4. Seeing no takers, I got the RMA number and it goes back to the company tomorrow.


    I've been playing with the one I am keeping and so far I love it. Unlike my Nikon 8700, it has yet to even flinch at taking shots, even on my cat's black fur, which the Nikon could never get a lock on. The real test is Israel next week! :rollface:

  5. :eek: uuuuuuuuhhh... This is a great thread to read as I am planning on going to Israel in a couple weeks!



    Do any Reef Nerds live or drive past Pentagon City in Arlingon?


    I was planning on having someone in my building feed them, but a reefer would be much better!

  6. I just found my six-line wrasse last night in a box I had next to the tank. I recently added a much-larger leopard wrasse that probably chased it out.


    One morning I found my McCosker's wrasse (prior to getting the leopard) carpet surfed during the night. I have a glass lid for my tank, but I am concerned about heat build up and too much of the light from the pendant above being reflected off of it and not getting into the tank. Does anyone have a glass lid on theirs under their lights?



  7. Done. Don't know where the one vote came from :)

    Ric, thanks for getting all this together, want a monthly job?


    {Thank YOU for bailng me out of my goof!}


    Maybe as a back-up until my life settles down. If I can't get to setting up the next poll, anyone can feel free to step in and do it without hurting my feelings. I will be busy and traveling a lot until after the New Year.

  8. I thought I counted 20 pics, but there are 21 counting the one on the second page. I tried, but it looks like I can only edit the message part. I can't find a way to add a selection or even delete the poll and make a new one. Can someone with Admin rights add this as another option??!



    (Adding back in the outter brackets)

  9. I think I'd have the upper-hand with my iPhone, lol. It takes very clear pics.


    Don't be so sure! I've got some pretty good pics and vids out of my Sprint HTC Mogul! :wink:


    I think it's a great idea for a pic contest, too.

  10. To everyone who pre-paid livetock from Caribbean Jake. You must pick up all livestok tomorrow Monday 9/17 between 7PM and 8PM. Tank will be empty out and livestock must go.









    Please respond ASAP. You MUST pick up tomorrow


    If you speak, or see any of the following WAMAS members, please let them know of this URGENT note.

    They must pik up tomorrow between 7 ad 8 pm



    Got it, but why such short notice?? I'm lucky I don't have plans. I will try to get there within that tight window, but I have 66W and toll road rush hour traffic to get through, which can be unpredicable.



  11. Thanks Forest and Chris


    Forest, I was thinking about adding stuff like this, no fish:

    * 10 Spaghetti worms

    * 10 Bristleworms

    * 10 Nassarius vibex Snails

    * 5 Cerith Snails

    * 50 Amphipods - Gammarus Shrimp

    * 50 Mysis Shrimp

    * 4 Medium Feather Duster Worms

    * Micro Star

    * Miscellaneous worms

    * Mini Star


    I just dumped in a bunch of old shells and left over rubble from my main tank. Does it matter if it

  12. I have a 54g with a 15g sump on the 7th floor of a highrise. I wasn't worried about the weight in this concrete building, but I think my heart stopped a couple weeks ago when the return bulkhead fitting on the bottom of my tank broke off in my hand and water started gushing out. As I fruitlessly tried to slow down the flow, I couldn't help but think of 54 gallons of water running under the wall into my next door neighbor's brand new carpet, liability, etc. Luckily the water only drained from the overflow cavity and not all 54 gallons. Much of it also went into the sump, which came close to overflowing. When I fired everything back up after bypassing the return, the sump showed it was almost two gallons low.


    Once when we had a long power outage, my 15g sump filled up to within 1/2 inch of the top. So, I put my Mag 7 return pump on an UPS - only the pump and nothing else as I want it to run as long as possible off the batteries before they are drained.



    honestly, i wouldn't go over 75, and build in spill redundancies. but the above post is right, if it is a 1 bedroom, your whole apt might be on 1 or 2 circuits, which may not jive with running a tank larger than 75ish.


    it would be crucial to make sure that the tank is parallel to the joists... just get a stud finder, and you should be able to tell.


    also, something to consider, generally houses built 30 years ago were better constructed than houses now, so i don't think jason's argument of the "newer" the better would really be applicable. they weren't churning them out like mcnuggets in the late 70s/early 80s.


    NONONONONO! The tank should be perpendicular to the joists, so that it spans over as many joists as possible. You don't want all its weight on just a couple joists. Also, if the joists are perpendicular to a party wall it is also probably a bearing wall.


    The 40psf live load minimum (30psf is alowed in some cases) is calculated uniformly across the entire tributary area of any given structural member. Using a stud finder is a good idea, though. A tank really should be treated as a point load if it crosses perpendicularly; maybe actual psf if it is longitudinal.


    I run my power to two different outlets, but I haven't bothered to check if they are on two breakers or the same one. So far no trips though.




    PS That article linked above is a pretty good one. It sounds like it has fairly right without doing any math.

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