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Posts posted by 'Ric

  1. A new member is coming to buy my tank tonight. :cheers:


    But, he'll need help moving all the stuff over the next couple nights. He lives in Centerville, VA. Please e or PM me if you could help either with the move, or with the set-up in his place.


    The tank in my condo is at:

    Horizon House Condominium #725

    1300 Army Navy Drive

    Arlington, VA 22202




    My cell phone number is 7O3-52l-4323


    Any help would be greatly appreciated,


  2. A new member is coming to buy the tank tonight. :cheers:


    But, he'll need help moving all the stuff over the next couple nights. He lives in Centerville, VA. Please e or PM me if you could help either with the move, or the set-up in his place.

  3. {The pics in my Photobucket gallery are not quite current, but pretty close. So, not everything pictured is included, and there's more algae since I haven't been able to keep up with it during the move and all.}


    would you please let me know what is not there or missing right now?


    If you see it in a photo, but it is not on the list, it's not there. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I haven't been keeping track. A couple things I do remember is that the Gorgos and Candy Cane (SWAPed them) corals are mostly gone, the frogspawn and torch, and I haven't seen the blue striped cleaner gobies in a while. If you go to my 54g Tank Gallery in my signature line you can click on each fish in most of the pictures and it will pop-up that fishes latin name if you are not sure which is which.


    ...if there is something in a picture you are particularly interested in, let me know what and I will let you know if I still have it.

  4. I initially tried to get rid of the Majanos with Joe's Juice. It works very well, but eventually they will come back. The ones in my tank had some pretty nice colors, so I stopped trying to get rid of them. They have not taken over the tank like Aptasia as some people say they do. They started to take over a giant rock I have at the top of the tank, but then a colony of Palys grew huge and beat them back. They don't like the Palys. I also got some peppermint shrimp, so maybe they are keeping new ones from coming up?


    All in all, I don't know what the big deal about them is - unless the ones I have are not really Majanos.

    They are pink and green flower anemones, basically. Other than growing, what is their downside?



  5. Dear fellow members and prospective aquarists: (this is also posted in Members Only Section)


    I have to admit I have been putting this off (and off, and off...) Fact is we HAVE moved and I have to go back to our old condo to feed and take care of my guys. I knew this day would come and that it would have to go, but I don't have to like it. As an Architect, I put a lot into the design and aquascaping of this reef (my wife might say way too much!) and loved every minute of it. Now, it needs a new home - one that will love it as much as I do. I really wish I could move it to the new house, but that's not possible for a litany of reasons I can't go into. So, here it goes:


    (please don't ask me to part it out. I really want this system to go as it is, if possible.)








    The Cast of Characters:


  6. I added a Potters Angel to my tank as well. My Purple Firefish was spooked, and is still a little skiddish, but they co-habitat fine now. Try to squirt some food off to the side of the tank as a diversion for the other fish, then a little right in front of (or even into) where the Firefish is hiding, then step back away from the tank. He may go for easy pickings if he's still alive.



  7. Leishman, this scares me. I have a hippo who, like most hippos, camps out at night between the rocks. He is a large hippo but that monstrous abomination could likely take him down. I think it's time for him to go.


    In that regard, anyone want a disgustingly atrocious starfish?


    I've heard that Green Brittle Stars were notorious for getting big attacking fish. I have a Red Brittle Star that's about a foot in diameter and have had no problems...so far.



  8. Good points, all.


    I haven't tested my Phosphate myself in a while, so I'll double check that.


    The flow in the small tank is very low compared to the main tank.


    Sandbed in the small tank was laced with mature sand, and I've had it going for a while. The Mantis Shrimp has stirred it up A LOT since I added him recently. Maybe that triggered something.


    I take it that there's nothing that eats it that the Mantis wouldn't eat, right? :why:



  9. My main tank has had a patch of red slime or two, but nothing that has ever grown much or lasted long.


    BUT, even though it shares the same water, slime has taken over a small 3g display refugeium I have as a satellite tank for my Mantis Shrimp and Upside-down Jellyfish. I got some anti-red-slime stuff, sucked out as much as I could with a turkey baster, treated the water, then did a 20% water change, all twice now.



  10. I agree. If reinforcement had to be added to keep the tubing from kinking too much, it seems that would indicate that it was putting a lot of lateral force on the fitting.


    I have mine set up with it's own pump from my up-draft DSB sump to my fuge. The out tubing makes a bit of a circular loop so it doesn't pull sideways on the fittings. But, I think I'll look it over again to make sure after reading your post.


    Another thing to note is that plain PVC pipe will degrade and become brittle over time when exposed to UV light. The fitting should have been made from the type that has UV inhibitors mixed into the formula to prevent ultimate failure. If the manufacture's barb fittings were used, they are probably the correct type of PVC. If an off-the-shelf fitting was used and it had been running for a while, that could have been a factor, too. But, I think this info applies more to what you replace the barb fitting with. I recommend getting a "real" replacement made for UV connections from a manufacturer rather than a Home Depot one (unless the latter specifically says it's UV resistant in its specs.


    At least your tank is in the basement. I worry about something like that happening to me on the 7th floor of a high rise. The liability exposure from the units next to me and below me is not very comforting. Even though I consciously try to design my system to be as "fail safe" as possible I've already had a couple spills of a couple/few gallons of water each that luckily didn't cause any damage beyond my unit


    ....that I know of


    ...yet. :eek:



  11. What power? I have tried a few different types. Each seem better at some things than others. For example, tripple lens 5-15x gets up close, but the subject has to be so close to the lens its not very practical for things in water.


    Something I use a lot is just a pair of cheap reading glasses. I got the highest diopter they had at the Harris Teeter Pharmacy; 2.0 or 3.0 I think. Not much mag, but useful for scanning for ich spots, etc.



  12. Have not had any trouble with mine pestering anemones.


    btw: Ciliata is one of my favorites :)


    Does your shrimp come out much? When I first got him, he was all over the tank for the first few hours. Now I've had him for a week now, and in that time he's moved from a cave to a burrow he dug under a piece of dead coral. I've been feeding him a couple frozen mysis shimps in the evening and a couple pellets before I got to work in the morning. He doesn't come out, but I can see his little beady eyes looking out at me. When I come by later the food is gone, so I guess he's eating it rather than the regular scavangers in there with him.



  13. Well, I put a permanent-coffee-filter (the non-metallic kind) over it for the night. There's a gap under it I can't block that the clown could probably get through, but i think it will deter the PB Tang, in case he's the guilty one.



  14. Ric,


    If the RBTA is a recent division, it should get some time without a clown trying to host it. If I recall from my readings, new splits (aka sliced) anemones need a bit of time to recover or can be damaged by clowns which are agressively trying to host in an anemone.



    I've had it since mid-December, so it's most recent was at least a month and a half ago.

  15. I have a RBTA that isn't doing well, as you know if you read my last post. one possibility is that it's being picked on by one or two of my fish.


    My initial idea was to move him to my satellite display fuge that I have set up to keep him safe from the fish.


    Problem: the satellite fuge was set up for a Mantis Shrimp. which arrives Wednesday.


    I've heard that Mantis Shrimp won't prey on corals, but what about anemones?


    If it makes a difference, it's a "spearer" - Pseudosquilla ciliata



  16. HMMMM...


    Two prime suspects:


    I have a clownfish that used to host in my GBTA before it got to big and I sold it. He hosted in a torch coral, ultimately killing it, and then in a frogspawn, killing two heads of it, too. When I got the RBTA, he tried hosting in it, too, but he's as big as it is. He flaps into very aggressively to the point where I thought he might be hurting it. The RBTA wouldn't stay out and let him host, but would retract, frustrating the clownfish into going back to the frogspawn.


    I haven't observed him picking on the RBTA, but I do have a PB Tang that recently has begun nipping at my clam and sponges in the tank. He's been going a bit nuts. He's gotten a lot bigger since I got him, so maybe it's time for him to go.


    Do either seem more plausible than the other? If the PB Tang was nipping at him, wouldn't he get stung?



  17. What could be wrong with my RBTA?


    He hardly expanded at all, and was recessed back into a crevice where I first put him. So, I move the rock he was stuck to up to give him a little more light and flow, but still nothing.


    Recently I had a low Ph dip, almost down to 7.9, but it's back to 8.18 now. Could there be another problem besides the Ph dip, or will it just take him a while to recover?





  18. ...

    i heard that by flushing your toliet you aerosolize some of the chemicals, so always close your toliet seat


    Woah! What did YOU have for lunch? :eek:

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