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Everything posted by Bendalat

  1. Very nice. Love the color and how you mix corals together.
  2. Thank you Coral Hind, Mr.Chalice, smallreef, flooddc, Alieu07, and extreme_tooth_decay. Smallreef, the plan is let the corals grow and cover the bottom. It's not a Yuma, it's an elephan shroom. Alieu07, yes, it connects to the 300 tank. extreme_tooth_decay, for the Ritteri, it will stay on top of the rock the light and flow are good. I keep the Haddoni in a box with its foot on a rock, and then cover it with sand.
  3. For friends who asked about my new tank. This is my son and niece study desk/aquarium; It's a lame excuse so my wife can let me build it It's just at the starting phase. There will be a canopy on the top, doors for the stand, aquacape..... If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks, With Flash
  4. Bendalat


    From the album: Ported Pics for Bendalat

  5. From the album: Ported Pics for Bendalat

    150g (40x36x24) Anemones Tank 2
  6. From the album: Ported Pics for Bendalat

    150g (40x36x24) Anemones Tank 1
  7. From the album: BenDalat Tank

    BlueLine Ballast
  8. From the album: BenDalat Tank

    IceCap 400w Ballacst
  9. Bendalat

    Dark Pump

    From the album: BenDalat Tank

    Dark Pump
  10. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

  11. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

    Diamond Reflector
  12. Bendalat


    From the album: Ported Pics for Bendalat

  13. Bendalat


    From the album: Ported Pics for Bendalat

  14. Thanks smallreef, flooddc, dcreefer, yauger, and Steve175. Steve, I just moved them from the refugium (where they used to live) to the new 150g tank. The whole system is still linked together.
  15. I just moved this beast to a new tank. Thanks again, Roni.
  16. Thanks Sean and Steve. I think I just leave the way it is and sell the ReeFlo Dard pump. Save me lot of work.
  17. Hello, Currently, I'm using a Mag18 as the return pump for a 300g tank, and a Mag12 as the return pump for the other 150g tank. The hight of each setup is 6 feet. I have a ReeFlo Dart pump, I'm thinking of using it to replace the other pumps. Can it works? Can I T-off to two 1" lines and have enough "turn over water" for each tank (at 6 feet)? Thanks,
  18. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

  19. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

  20. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

  21. Bendalat


    From the album: BenDalat Tank

  22. Bendalat

    Red Haddon

    From the album: BenDalat Tank

    Red Haddon
  23. Bendalat

    Red Haddoni

    From the album: BenDalat Tank

    Red Haddoni
  24. Bendalat

    Red Vase

    From the album: BenDalat Tank

    Red Vase
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