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Posts posted by Bendalat

  1. That tank is beautiful.  I'm sure you've said this before, but what all are we seeing in there?


    I saw the big haddoni, of course, but are those two crispa/sebae nems with a bubble-tip between?  


    Is that a crab in the middle of the haddoni?


    Are those green toadstools around the edges, and what is that pink underneath what I think is the crispa on the left side in the shadow?  Is it another nem?

    Thanks AlanM.


    Those two are long tentacle anemones with a rainbow bubble-tip between.

    Yes, there is a crab in the middle of the haddoni.

    Yes, those are neon green toadstools around the edges. 

    The "pink" underneath is a giant shroom.

    There is one "taptum", another rainbow, and one more giant shroom in the tank.

  2. Absolutely stunningly beautiful!  Great to see so many clowns servicing their anem.  Now it must stay alive and happy for you for at least 10 years to makeup for the loss to the wild.  Which it certainly looks happy enough in your tank to occur.  


    People that keep carpet anems report that once a year or so it will expel sperm or eggs, usually upon a major or accidental change in water parameters.  Changed salinity due to a malfunctioning ATO, neglect by being out of town for a couple of weeks, etc.   If this happens for you, late one night you'll see a little smoke eruption of sperms or eggs coming out of the mouth and your skimmer will go crazy.  From what I understand, these anems are either male or female and they do not self fertilize.  Mike at the National Zoo is the best anem expert I've heard of so he'll have better advice for you.  I think that in nature they spawn on a full moon in late summer in the southern hemisphere, so if you have night "moon" lighting and could raise the water temps in February/March you might get lucky enough to see that happen.  But it sounds pretty tricky to me.  However they do need to spawn once a year, and perhaps more often.


    Often you can tell a female by candling.  You put a high powered light or flashlight behind the anem and you can see if eggs are developing inside.  It's kind of like a poor man's version of an X-ray machine.  If you find that you have a female with eggs, you could post to WAMAS for anyone with a male and the two of you might be able to change water parameters at the same time, although I think it would be very hard to time the spawns.  Again, in nature mass spawning is probably typical, so maybe for a few weeks one of you could loan your anem to the other.  Usually the male goes first and this triggers the female to release eggs.


    All of this is high level stuff and you're probably not interested.  But it would be amazing if you kept this as a background goal for a year or two until you could pull it off.  There should be several people (like me) that would be happy to assist, then would try to provide the right conditions to grow the resulting planulae.  


    You would definitely win aquarist of the year somewhere.  If not MACNA, certainly on a regional level.  Not saying you have to do any of this, but how much fun it would be to try!

    Thanks Dave W.  I will keep in my.

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