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Posts posted by ireland

  1. Ireland, what would you consider 'some noise' ?



    You might want to see if someone in your area has one that you could hear first hand. I sold off all of mine, because of the noise, but I think that I over reacted. (long story)

    I've owned several different models of Iwaki and swear by them. My oldest was 4 years trouble free, but you saw Flowersellers post at 14 years.


    For comparison I've also had/have Dolphin Ampmasters, Rios, Little Giants, Quiet Ones, Mags, and Eheims. The ONLY ones never to give me any trouble were Iwakis.

  2. I played with ideas for a few months just to try and not waste so much. I got a 100 gallon rubbermaid container and used it to hold all the waste water, then used that for pretty much anything I could think of except to drink. I used it to do laundry, rinse the skimmer, water plants, flush toilets, you name it. Lot of bucket hauling. I can tell you that, (per the utility bill) I cut my water usage by about a third, but it was a big pain in the neck. (Not to mention that I annoyed the heck out of my girlfriend, can't blame her, you wouldn't believe the nonsense I subject her to). I have since bought a more efficient RO/DI unit, but now I only use a 30 gallon container to catch waste for other usage, and when that is full the rest goes down the drain.

  3. Let me check, I've got tons of them laying around and can bring one to the meeting. I'll post/pm if I have that size.


    Yes, I have one, let me know if you still want it and can wait till Sat.

  4. I bought a second shop vac just for water spills. I got it at Sears for about $70. The exhaust vents downward, works great. I've also found that when using a vac to clean up spills vs. a mop, I can't hear her yelling at me over the vac. :D

  5. Medusa is a specific brand of temp controller.  Both Marine Depot and Premium Aquatics sells it.


    Starboard is similar to cutting board material and is placed on the bottom of the tank before the rocks go in.


    Cooking rock refers to a process detailed on reef central.  Do a search there and you will find numerous threads.

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