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Mystical Lady

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Posts posted by Mystical Lady

  1. I love the way you displayed that. Very well done. Hellolights just had a sale on 39w T-5 bulbs, $10 each. In my 40 breeder I use a T-5 set up and have half acitinic and half 10k. I got 4 new bulbs 2 and 2 again. I think the new acitinics are not giving out as much Par or something. I will check tonight. Now that I see what you did, I am thinking of putting the old acitinics in with the new acitinics so I can turn one on and the other off right after each other. Do you prefer the 65k over 10k?

    han If I am not mistaken, 39w bulbs is generally 3' long fixture.



    You're right on the 39W bulbs are 3' long.... that was another confusing thing I had to learn.....


    I have never tried the 10K bulbs....aren't they on the blue side of color???... maybe you can make the comparison and post here? so we can see the differences ;)


    Thanks for the compliment on my display..... I hope it helps others understand the color thing....

  2. The paper hanging on tank is 1 sheet of 24lb HP Bright White Inkjet.

    The camera is a Olympus C-2100. The pictures were taken at F2.8 1/50



    I had problems when I set up my T5 as to which bulbs to order. It was confusing for me so I made this album hoping it might help someone else. I initially started with:


    this setup was way too yellow for me. Nothing in the tank 'popped' with color and I didn't enjoy showing it off to anyone. Now I have settled on the:




    and love it. During the 'daylight' hours it looks great but when the Actinics stay on for the evening time, everything 'pops' with color.


    Thanks to WMAS I now can 'halfway' understand what everyone means by the different color in bulbs.

  3. I knew I should have listen during Chemistry :drink:

    I want to know if my parameters are OK.... I researched online but depending on who you ask... it seems there are differences on where some of the parameters should be so I need to know if what I show is good... I am testing with Salifert kits and are all new kits. I am not having any problems within my tank at this point. no algae problems, fish in good health.... I just want to be prepared if you think something is too low.... I also don't have an ALK test kit yet(it is coming in the mail this week) ...... the Ca is my main concern, is it too low? and is the lowness caused by starting up the PhosBan Reactor 150? How do I make the Ca rise? I been adding 'Reef Calcium by SeaChem' but it doesn't make it rise( only gets up to 360(PM reading) then it falls back to 340(Morning reading). Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!



    PH 8.2

    Calcium 340-360

    Alk ? ( what should it be?)

    Salinity 1.025

    Temp 77.4

    Phosphate 0

    Ammonia 0

    Nitrites 0

    Nitrates 0

  4. Now that I have you here though, would you mind sharing what media you chose to use and why? TIA



    Thanks for the putting my mind at ease... I get alittle worried everytime I 'add' something to my tank :blush:


    PhosBan Reactor 150 with PhosBan mostly because it is a HOT system as I do not have a sump :( I used the PhosBan because it is a name I have heard alot of and the ad said

    "A favored chemical filter media because it will not leach substances back into your aquarium. Largest adsorption capacity of any phosphate filtering media."

    I tried to do as much research as I could before buying the reactor and media but the information out there really confuses me (I am NOT a chemist) so hopefully, this system will do good for my tank....... hopefully :drink:


    Oh and it was on Sale........ :wig:

  5. Issue is not stripping the water too fast at first, then you can switch to 24/7.


    soooooooo .. do you think I did a bad thing going from .50 to Zero...... *shriver* I am afraid of ruining everything I worked so hard for....... thinking I was doing a good thing......... UGH

  6. Be careful, do not continue to run it too long as you will strip the water and some have had corals bleach.



    Oh really?? Thanks for the headsup, john, I didnt realize that. I thought it was suppose to be run ALL the time....... thanks! :cheers:

  7. I am completely AMAZED at the difference in such a short time...... I bought a PhosBan Reactor 150 which is a H.O.T. for me. It arrived yesterday and I had it up and running by 8pm last night. I checked the phosphates before going to bed(8:30pm) and the test showed .50 (yes, I know that it is HIGH)...... I figured it would take a week to see changes but WOW!! when I woke up to get ready for work at 3:30AM..... the test showed ZERO!!! I am AMAZED!! and now a believer that a phosphate reactor is a MUST for my tank....





  8. EXCITING!!!

    im waiting impatiently for mine to start pumpin away- i dont think the temperatre is high enough on my fry tan kthat i mived him too-


    i have been literally lying down on the floor next to the tank watching and waiting

    its day 15..... ONE DAY LATE! im soooo nervouse



    Hey, I sent you a PM.......

  9. actually i put that there because i assumed your first coral was the hardiest/easiest to keep. what i'm looking for is a list of potential corals for me to buy. so far i'm favoring the frogspawn, open brain & flat brain.


    Any more suggestions?



    OK... sorry........ my bad ..... I *assumed* :drink:

  10. hey i just made the connection that oyou are the same person on seahorse.org



    im pygmy_Dwarf_hzosterae!! hahaa

    i believe she got the dwarves from a common ebay seller- dana - despite i have not personally ordered from him- i would not reccomend him since there haave been recent problems and also i think its ridiculous that the operson promoting him so much had ALL his dwarves die- sooo who knows


    i got mine from aqualand-

    but i HIGHLY suggest getting CB- another very praised seller is dan from seahorsesource and he has them availabe in fall!


    yep, that is me....... strange...... I have the same NIC on both forums...........LOL........ anyway, Dana is where I got my horses, like you say, and I won't promote him but the horses are still alive and doing well. One male started having his babies last night....

  11. why not a mantis tank?




    Scared of them....... :bluefish:


    I ahve decided to make a Dwarf Seahorse tank.... they are arriving this Friday :) I have 2 sexy dancing shrimp, 2 small gobies, and snails so far in the tank so the Dwarfs will have plenty of company :)

    pics will soon follow :)

  12. Please only 1 entry per person... plus we need the info to make it "legit" (see first post).



    ACK! sorry... Leishman, would you please remove the Candy Cane one?....... I tried to find the *rules* for the photo of the month but never saw one pinned in this forum.....and the first post didn't say anything about 1 per person..... sorry again for the second pic...... My bad! :cry:


    info for the suncoral picture that Leishman posted for me.......

    Submitter: Mystical Lady (Jan)

    Location: My Tank

    Camera Used: Olympus C-2100 Ultra Zoom

    Subject: Feeding Time!

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