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Guest Nate and Roshni

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Guest Nate and Roshni
The picture is terrible, but its the best i have at the moment. I assume its a coral(or was lol), but i could be wrong. I have two of these on separate pieces of tonga live rock that I bought from Dr. Mac. This one is about an inch tall. I didnt take it off during the curing process, and I assumed it was dead and shouldve removed it. In the past few days one of the branches has turned a sorta light red almost a pink. I didnt think it would live, but maybe it did! Now Id just like to know what it is. :)what.jpg
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Guest Nate and Roshni
Thanks peace for replying. From what I understand a sponge will die if its exposed to air, and "melt". I could be wrong here though. These rocks were exposed to air so I dont think its a sponge. Im going to try to get a better picture tonight.
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It looks like the remains of where some seaweed was attached to the rock, i had rather a lot when i bought the 225lbs of Fiji and Tonga LR i have in my tank.


If it is you might be lucky and it may grow back, like some of mine did, until my Mexican Turbos found it and ate the lot.


I could be wrong though (and usually am according to my better half)








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Guest Nate and Roshni
Does anyone have the book, Reef Invertebrates by Calfo and Fenner? If you do, it looks a lot like the picture on page 86, a Rhodophyte, Laurencia, perhaps L. poitei. Once again i have no clue though for sure. Its in the chapter Algae and Plants. Any thoughts?
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I have the exact item on one of my rocks from Roozens, been the same for almost a month. I believe it's a dead gorgorian, but not sure either. Waiting for the second coming of mine too to come back to life too :)


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Guest Nate and Roshni
Im going to try for a better pic tonight!
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Guest Nate and Roshni

Once again I dont have a fancy camera so it still might be hard, but here goes nothing... FYI the pics are 1800x1200











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