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Additional of a second Angel?

Guest ethandvm

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Guest ethandvm

I was think about adding another angel to my 120, any suggestions on what type to stay away from, or if it is a bad idea overall? I currently have a Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang, Flame Angel, Copper Banded Butterfly, Tomato Clown, Rainbow wrasse, 2 Firefish, and Bangkok Cardinal. I was thinking of a coral beauty or bicolor.


Any input is appreciated.

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Bi-colors are notorious for not eating, so make sure it is eating before you buy.


I would caution you against getting another dwarf angle. Your flame is very likely to aggressively pick on it - particularly if it has been in your tank for a while.


As a thought, you might want to consider an angle from the genus: Genicanthus. They are planktivores and will do well in a reef. Search carefully as some can be very expensive, but the Lamarck anglefish is usually fairly cheap. Also, they usually do not grow too large - max size in the wild is about 9 inches.

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The only problem you might have is that Flame Angel are very aggressive towards other dwarf angel. I currently have a flame, coral beauty, lemon peel,, and half black, but I added the flame last because of prier experience.



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