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55G Tank mates list


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I am looking for suggestions/info in stocking a 55G (upgrading in near future to 75G) reef tank with a 1" crushed coral (1-2mm) bed with about 50 lbs rock. I have a mandarin fish that I am going to add and would like to know what other fish would be good companions. I already have a cleaner crew (snails, crabs), 1 skunk shrimp, & 1 peppermint shrimp.


Here is what have for a list now:


1 Mandarin (already have)

1 Algae Blenny (what type?)

1 Firefish (purple, if I can find)

1 Neon blue gobys (a matched pair if I can?)

Pair Ocellaris Clownfish

1 Flame or Coral Angelfish (Any Experience out there?)

1 Royal Gramma basslet (other types?)


I was going to try to add in the order above or all at once, any possible problems?


I am going to make a

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Flame and Coral "BEAUTY" I believe what your referencing would be the toughest for the tank, but believe if your parameters are good, you should be ok, EXCEPT the Flame's are notorious for nipping corals, escpecially SPS and as I found out GSP -Green Star Polpys. Almost wiped out my entire colony before my Blue Velvet Damsel killed it! Would probably lean more towards the Coral Beauty for now.

How old is your 55g tank? 6months?

The Mandaran's NEED an established tank for adequate pod numbers to survive, so that should be your biggest challenge that I see so far, but being that you already have him, wish you the best on that one.

I would put the first 4 in at one time and last 3 as a group being they will all be territorial.

I would not put cheato into main tank, but would keep it in sump/fuge instead. Once it gets into main display, tough to get out later.





How large is your cleaner crew? For a 75g, I would recommend the following with a 1" SB:

30-35 Nassarius Snails

10-15 Cerith Snails

4-5 Margarita Snails

15 Red TIPPED Leg Hermits

1-2 Cleaner Shrimp, I see you already have 1

1-2 Serpent Starfish

1 Blue Neon Striped Hermit (Great for any Cyanobacteria outbreaks), plus beautiful crab or Halloween Crab

3 Emerald Crabs

2-3 Peppermint Shrimp, I see you already have 1 also.

These should cover all the bases!

Good luck!


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Half of that list looks almost just like my current stock. The coral beauty is somewhat of a nipper as well. They graze, constantly, and are fun to watch weave in and out of the rockwork (need lots of rock). If there's enough algea around, my CB doesn't go after the leathers. But if it gets too hungry, I've seen it nip the leathers as well.


The RG could be the boss of the tank, so I would put that in last. My RG acts like it owns the tank, though its one of the smallest and none of the other livestock really cares what it thinks, except the dumb chromis, who are scared by anything.


I have two yellow clown gobies, but they don't get along. If you can get a matched pair, pre-matched upon purchase, that would be best.


I can't speak for the firefish, mandarin or blenny as I have none. Just be sure to do the research (www.wetwebmedia) on each one. Mandarins need a serious farm of pods to live. I had a 55g with crushed coral and lots of pods, well established, and I think (not sure) my yellow goby single-finedly decreased their population to almost nil.


Although I've read of gobiodon gobies that "they readily form pairs and mate" - mine hate each other. Just goes to show, no matter how much research you do, each fish is an individual and will act according to its own individualness depending on the parameters of the environment in which it is placed. You can try to guess what will happen, and guide your selection as best as possible with research, but in the end, its up to the individual.

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sean at fins & feathers has purple firefish a lot.


will a royal gramma go after shrimp? make sure you get that and not a bicolor pseudochromis, because they'll eat your shrimp. :)

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Thanks everyone for the info.


I found a pair of firefish (no fighting) and got them along with the algae (sailfin?) blenny this weekend and added them to the 10G QT. I am going to wait until I add them to the main tank before getting more.


Any additional input is appreciated.

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Guest alex wlazlak

i used to have a lawnmowe blenni (mysteriusly died :cry: ) and they have a great peronality and their good fish. the way they eat just makes me roll!! so thats my recomendation for a blennie.. hope that helps. rite now in my 55g i only have a clown, yellow tail damsel, and a yellow tang. my nitrates have always been real high so i decided to keep my fish load to a minimum.. never mind on the input above. saw you just got one. is a sailfin the same thing as a lawnmower blennie? arent they also known as rock blennies?

Edited by alex wlazlak
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is a sailfin the same thing as a lawnmower blennie? arent they also known as rock blennies?


I'm not sure. I'm heard a few names used. He has large eyes with the eyelashes and vertical light/dark stripes.

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I added the firefish last weekend. The Firefish are doing great in the 55G with the mandarin, no problems. They seem to stick togerther all the time. :fish: :fish:


The blenny did not make it out of QT , might have starved? He looked thin but the rear glass was covered with algae. Even tried algae disks. Did not see any other signs or parasites. :why:


I will be looking locally for another blenny, pair of Ocellaris Clownfish and gobys to put in QT.


Anyone see a pair of Ocellaris Clownfish?

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Found a pair :rollface:


Just added a pair of O. clowns (largest and smallest) and another algae blenny to my QT. That's all for the QT for now.


I also found some bumble bee snails and a 1" red star for my 10G.

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