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Hair Algae


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A guy I just met tonight is having a hair algae problem, I told him I would put a post up, so......HOW DOES HE GO ABOUT GETTING RID OF IT ??? He will chime in and post a pic soon. Lights off, water changes, removing the rock, etc. Any help I'm sure he would appreciate.

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It is a conventional 90 gallon tank, no livestock. Not sure about his skimmer.

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He had it set up before, I dont know how long, then he moved and thats when the algae came on. I hope he chimes in soon.

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He had it set up before, I dont know how long, then he moved and thats when the algae came on. I hope he chimes in soon.

A short while back I had a major outbreak of some GHA that wouldn't die. Mexican Turbos and a Rabbitfish finally did it in (nothing else would touch it).

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Hello Guys,

Steve first i would like to thank you so much for all the great advice and ideas you gave me. Let me get into the issue first. My tank has been running close to two years now. It was fine after the move for few months and since then it has been a challenge to keep the tank healthy. There has been months when everything looked good and I am like finally then I get something from someone and boom i get issues again. Realized but late that does not matter who I get it from I should always quarantine it. I never had one but now I am planning to setup one. The last issue i had was few months ago getting Hair Algae and Red Bubble algae. Since then having very difficulty to get rid of it. Had weeks no lights on as I do not have anything left since I lost everything I had due to Hair Algae. It did reduce a major portion but still not all the way out. When I turn my lights on days later I start seeing algae again. Have done water changes and do not feed a lot as only have 3 fishes so only feed them like once every 3 days. The fishes look very healthy and fat, lol do not know what they have been feeding on. Tried everything and getting tired there. I had an incident few weeks ago and my sump cracked so I had to buy and replace my sump and with that opportunity replaced my plumbing to PVC. Lost my refugium as it was built in to my old sump. Was thinking of setting up a new refugium but the new sump only has two chambers and was wondering how can I keep chaeto in the sump without it getting sucked into my return pump. So i have a that as my new issue too. I got some ideas and will be setting up GFO and see if that helps but if any more solutions please feel free to let me know. Thank you Steve, sorry could not chime in yesterday as by the time got home wife needed help with the baby and that became the priority to get her to sleep. But will try to post pics later tonight if needed and also will try few of the steps suggested in this form.

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the hair algae does not look like normal hair algae. It looks more like dog hair stuck on the corner with lot of dust and dirt stuck to it. Hope that helps a little. It has dramatically gone down but I can never get rid of it 100%. Lights on and it comes back.

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