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Anyone know about DensArmor?


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It's really going to depend on where. If you are building a fish room in say a basement area, it could be useful, however unless your building a steam room, it is overkill in a typical fish room above the basement. Save your money and go with green gypsum board.


With this product, it is unable to breathe so the walls will sweat, so in any application you will want to make sure you have adequate ventilation.

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It's really going to depend on where. If you are building a fish room in say a basement area, it could be useful, however unless your building a steam room, it is overkill in a typical fish room above the basement. Save your money and go with green gypsum board.


With this product, it is unable to breathe so the walls will sweat, so in any application you will want to make sure you have adequate ventilation.


The tank is in the basement, in a dedicated fish room. The fish room is approximately 100 sq ft and it is the only room where they are recommending using DensArmor. There will be between 750 - 1000 gallons of water in the fish room at any given time. There will be a supply and return vent to the central A/C in the fish room. There will also be a bathroom fan connected to a humidstat to vent moist air when the humidity exceeds a certain level (exact level yet to be determined). You can see the 540 beginning thread to get an idea of the installation.



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