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Posts posted by Aquariareview

  1. Has anyone used this stuff. Pond Foam. reef central thread I have seen a few threads where they say dont use GREAT STUFF but instead use POND FOAM.


    I am planning a new reef system and I have seen a few tanks with this stuff. I am impressed with the look and am thinking about trying kind of project.

  2. I have been blessed to be able to dive all over the world and the damage from sewage is bad most places that are near tourist areas. One of the best cared for sites is in Israel, on the red sea. They take all sewage and process it to recover all of the water for argri use. then most of the solid waste is used for fuel in power plants or as fertilizer in non food crops, ie sawgrass used for fuel. They get no pollution in the reefs and they use all waste for profit.


    we could help many of the third world countries with the same tech but in the past most on the leaders just take our money and put it in personal swiss accounts. In order to help we would have to build the plants then support it with benchmarks that money only keeps coming if the plant keeps working.


    I don't know if we have that kind of political will now days

  3. I am all behind the 100% concept. There is a small group out here in WA that are all about fragging. they have a few guys who have 250 plus species. I think we should all propagate and if we could grow enough the Gov should have some kind of grant to anyone who could return coral to US south pacific reefs.


    It makes as much or more sense as some of the other (pork) stuff we spend money on.

  4. Merry Christmas everybody.

    I just bought a deltec and I am building a hob fuge I will post pics when its finished. refuge will hang on back and it's top is 2 inch above the water level of the main tank. small powerhead pumps it into bottom of one end of refuge, water flows 20 in across and then a small overflow drains it back into main tank.

    I built one 12 years ago and it was not that hard.

    my plan is 20 in long, 13 in deep and 5 in wide. LED lighting. some mud and sand mixed in fuge with some good macro algae.

    bought scrap plastic sheet (1/4 inch thick) today for $20 will start next month.

  5. I can't have a sump below because of the placement. I could build the refuge without much stress and and buy a good HOB Skimmer.

    I have almost always have had big systems so I don't know a lot about small skimmers. What is the best HOB skimmer Cost no object.

  6. lg-32875-42452-fish-filter.jpg


    I am putting a 40 gal reef tank bedside and this has been recommend to me.

    EcoSystem Pro Series Hang on with CPR skimmer

    • Has anyone here used one?
    • Does anyone here know anyone that has used one?
    • If so how well did it work?


    they are not a lot of money ($400) but I don't want another piece of useless aquaria junk in storage.

  7. Ok eric here is where you jump the tracks


    You Say "About 2-5% of the scientists are not on board" yet we know that the so called majority has suppressed any data that did not support the AGW Theory. so that Number is tainted because the AGW mafia has made anyone who does not go along a pariah. In the current environment if you don't agree you can't get published, Read the emails They talk openly about suppression of all who don't agree, and the suppression of all data or worse the tricking of their own data when it does not support the theory.



    You also say "One cannot expect the average person to have access to, read, understand, or critique overwhelming consensus of a diverse global scientific community" well I am not the average person. but one thing I do understand is the people who are behind the original findings that AGW comes have admitted to lying, data adjustment (more Lying), suppression of all who don't agree (scaring others into lying) and now losing all of the data so they can't be proven as liars


    The very data that eric uses in his article comes from the pool of data that was lost and can't be backed up with proof.


    Give us better Eric

  8. Lets be fair to Eric


    I believe he has a real world view because of the time he has spent on the reefs. It may be colored (like most in the science world) by the people who he draws his research data from.


    I have met him many times and he is a true conservationist who does not have a political agenda, he just wants to save the reefs, I for one respect him for that.


    But he draws from the same fountain of tainted data and theory that is now suspect. Like many he now has the struggle of judging the data and finding out what is true and what is junk. I want someone like him (with real goals) to be forced to find the truth. I believe that as the whole science world goes on to figure this out, We want people like Eric to be involved.

  9. Here is a fun piece of news from the Telegraph


    The total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."


    The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.

    As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at

  10. Eric (who by the way is one of the science people that I respect)


    • Fox news has nothing to do with this,
    • Deniers have nothing to do with this.
    • Right wing nut jobs have nothing to do with this



    This is about the primary group of data collectors who gave us most of the concept (AGW) being exposed as frauds.

    if the data the whole concept based on is suspect then the average layperson does not know what to believe.

    There is to much junk science that we already know to be false, so what is the real deal? I am not denying there is bad stuff happening on this planet but we do not want to sold more directions that prove to be not helpful.


    Most of the people who are defending against so called climate gate seem to all be quoting from the same data that is now lost. So they are still suspect. Anyone who blindly accepts the "science we have been told is real" now that they lost the data (how convenient) is like the people who believed the earth was flat. Lets see some data that can backed up by open shared groups of researchers who don't have political agenda.


    I truly believe we want to do the right thing but what is that (see posts about hybrids and cf bulbs).


    This thread is not about denying global warming, It is about wanting to know truth (that can be backed up with real data)


    Do we all ride bikes?

    Do all have the AC removed from our homes?

    Do we sterilize all of the people who have more than 2 kids while some groups in the world breed at 8.1 children per family?

    Do we just decide to limit population at any cost?

    Do we kill all the cows , stop everybody from eating meat?

    Do ruin our economy by raising the bar of cap and trade while India, Mexico and China do nothing but pollute and take business away from our companies? And create more pollution because they take our manufacturing and do it without controls we have already.


    Some of these things would help a little but are we ready to live that way? If the problem is that big do we need to make hard choices?


    What is the real direction to solving the problem?

  11. Go thru the whole climate-gate files,,there is a lot of internal email where they admit to tricking the data so they don't lose the argument,,


    There has not been an event before where the whole science (agw) was discredited by having it's very concept shown to be a product of a lie. This is real big and now that they claim to have "lost" all of the original data, only the flat earth people will still believe in the original concept (as is).


    Happyfeet says,,,It



    SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.


    It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.


    The UEA

  13. Mike

    Great to hear from you.


    I bought my house already set up for wind and solar. It was where I wanted to live and the eco stuff makes it a lot cheaper to live there. Also I checked and the eco damage of wind and solar does not seem to be a bad path.


    I have never said that I thought fossil fuel was not a problem. I have said that it is not the only problem and I have said that the solutions we come up with are often not well thought out. Like the nickel mines of Canada that have destroyed a ecosystem so badly that we use the area to test mars rovers. and the mineral leech into the water table (that makes its way to the ocean) is enormous. The product mined is used (80%) for hybrid Batteries. so we drive a car to save fossil fuel burn and damage the planets water supply to do so. Sounds like Junk Science. Many of the Eco Products we use have the same kind of problems.


    I have always been a skeptic because I am not blind. I read all of the viewpoints and I saw there was a great argument both ways. So someone had to be wrong. Many of the numbers the AGW groups put forward did not confirm with other science studies. Real science is always able to stand up to another study.


    Bob I like your viewpoint. we just don't know but we need to find out what is the real problem. and then do something that matters


    Lets go to the big picture. I don't think any one on this forum (on either side of the AGW debate) wants to hurt the planet. So do we blindly follow the side that has lied about everything that they base their theory on or do we demand that we get real info.


    I don't believe fossil fuel is the whole problem.

    I do believe we should cut our consumption of it in ways that are not more damaging than the fossil fuel burn.

    I want to do what is right But I want the real info as to what that is.

    also I do not believe that big time wrestling is real. LOL

  14. I never said CO2 is good for reefs all I said is we don't know if that is the reason for the falling PH


    We at this point have to realize that every thing the AGW people are saying is suspect


    as to the thought "You've stimulated the US economy by buying technology"

    what if the stuff we bought is bad for the planet, We are now coming to realize CF light bulbs are poisoning our water tables with mercury. so did we help or hurt the planet


    I did not post this to start a flame war, I love this group (and respect everyones right to have a view) because we can disagree and still be friends,,once again,, i consider myself an ecologist, I love the planet. I dive, live in the mountains and travel the world to enjoy the place.


    I want truth not more junk science,, Again I want to help but I think we need new information we can trust.

  15. I have posted studies that showed Junk science proof and now it seems they were all correct. This current scandal is so major that already the rest of the science community is pulling away from Copenhagen (more than 25 percent of attendees have canceled in the last 3 days)


    I believe something is wrong with what we are doing to the planet and I want to know how to make changes that are real.

    I have put major cash into a low footprint lifestyle, solar & wind powered house, and being careful with all of the things that matter what if its all wrong.


    I am not really anti AGW I am anti misinformation. we have watched any study group that disagreed be shut out of all publications for twenty years or more. I agree with lanman I want to know what is the factor so we don't keep doing what is not the real. if we don't then someday we are going to discover that it is something else and it will be to late.

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