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Posts posted by martin

  1. I happened to have a radio run at that building today, tank looks good. They said you had just been by to clean it. Guess it worked out in the end. I used to use that building to watch the drug dealers/users next door at the homeless shelter, and before that it was an empty lot we parked our cars at to get out of sight. How times change...

  2. I went to SuperPetz this weekend and laughed myself.


    That tank in the back near the 175 bowfront that used to have corals in it...I think it is a 180?


    It is about 3/4 or more totally full of caulerpa now. I've never seen a bigger chunk of caulerpa. There were a couple fish sitting on top of the caulerpa. Soon they won't have any swimming room at all.


    I've also been a regular customer of Wally's for many years. I did not stop there yesterday because my last few visits have left me disappointed and wondering if they are going to do SW at all. How is their quantity, selection, and prices for SW stuff? Seems to me like Petland a few miles down on the same road has Wally's and SuperPetz beat by a long, long way right now.



    Wally's is hanging in there, not much for corals though. I did go to Petland today, looks good. The best, IMO, area fish store is pristine aquariums. That has got to be the nicest kept place ever. Great owner as well.

  3. That place is so bad I just had to laugh and go to Wally's. I was looking for Killifish and substrate for a freshwater tank and just had to leave after one of the employees walked away mumbling some thing in response to a question about Killifish.

    I wonder if they are laundering money and just don't want real income.

  4. I was just looking at some fossil shark teeth that I got from the MD shore of the Potomac about 15 years ago. My daughters thought they were neat.


    If a teacher could use some I would donate a few.

  5. I stopped in on Saturday and the staff was extremely friendly. There was not much as far as SW livestock/corals go. I did see the two pair of mated clowns and they looked really healthy. I am sure they are still waiting on shipments. I only bought a few packs of frozen food which were priced about the same as other LFS and I got 10% off of them for my WAMAS card. I think once they get fully stocked up and running it is going to be a nice store.


    Yup, there are alive and well in my fish tank. The co-owner of the store said there were getting saltwater shipments in today and will expand the coral selection. He also said they are going after the whole spectrum of salt water, beginner and reentery markets. So, they won't have the super duper corals of other places but have nice healthy fish.


    I also was tempted by their freshwater selection. I still like the dwarf cichlids and other fresh water fish.

  6. How were their prices?

    Fair market prices, but when I look at a LFS I am looking for the quality of care given to animals, if the tanks and store are clean and how the staff interact with customers. Also honesty of the person I am dealing with. Prices are low at PetsMart, but the standards are even lower.


    A heathy fish/coral is worth twice one that is soon to die, or carry disease into my tank.

  7. I stopped by today and looked around (and got a mated clown pair and blenny by daughter had to have) Its a nice clean store with friendly staff, they have put alot of work into making a LFS you'll want to visit.

  8. Yea, they aren't moving ahead like I thought they would. I guess they are after the entry level market. Make sense, they can't complete with BRK and The Aquarium company in Va for high end reef snob stuff.

  9. You could get a HOB refugium and a HOB skimmer and us an UV like a closed loop to help out. I would at least use the skimmer/refugium combo to help out with the tank. I set up a UV with a mag 2 and a gate valve to control the flow to curb my algea and ick problems, and massive water changes.


    Let me know if you need macro algea to put in your refugium if you get one.


    Take the canister filter out and shoot holes in it so that it doesn't hurt any other tanks in the future.

  10. A lot of folks, including my wife, works very hard to assist children and families in these areas. Most of the people are hard working and, as you know, a few bad apples do not spoil the whole basket.


    Yep me too, I work every day to improve the conditions in the Third District. I am a narcotics officer with the Third District and spend most of my time in the high drug areas (which is a good part of DC)

  11. I was wondering about that place, I saw the actinic glow one night but have never gone by. I try to stay far away from Adams Morgan area. I prefer the public housing and high drug areas North and East of that location.


    Maybe someday I'll go by.

  12. Well, I think that kick ich helped my fish, until something else killed them. My yellow tang made it. I also ran an UV and got a cleaner shrimp that got to pickin' as soon as it hit the tank.


    Some where between the above and a healthy diet one fish out of 8 made it. But like I said it was some other creepin' ugly that killed them not ick in the end.


    By the way, my meat coral looks like it is going out-Kick ick? I don't know but it didn't help it.

  13. I changed the filters in my RO/DI unit, it was filthy and old (2+years) and did a water change. It had an imediate effect on my yellow tang. It was hiding out and not eating as much and as soon as the water was changed with the new filters it came out of the rock work.


    I also blasted off the rocks with a mag 5 pump before changing the water to get rid as much slim as possible. Next I'll add carbon to the strainer bag and see what happens.


    This is going to be a long rehab process.

  14. They are installing large coral tanks with lights on tracks and all sorts of neat stuff. They are going all marine, they guy said the profit margin is much higher that freshwater. Looks neat in there. The bonus is the other critters for small children to look at, kinda like going to the zoo.

  15. :cry:


    I wish I could do something to help you out, Martin. I'd consider pulling the fish out and putting them into a QT tank and start treating them. Let your tank go fallow without fish for 10 weeks or so to let the Ich die off. Then it would be time to rebuild.


    I'm really sorry to see you and your tank going through this. :(

    I've thought about it, but now I am down to fish that aren't sick. I don't think its ick anymore, maybe marine velvet or something like it.


    I know how it feels.


    My tank is fully recovered now. 5 months since my bout with AEFW and no signs of the little buggers. I haven't added anything new since treatment. Still don't have much in the frag tank yet, but I could give you some small frags from the display. Rose, Pink, Blue, and Bubblegum Milles, Purple Stag, blue tort, lavender stag, green birdsnest . . . .



    What is AEFW? maybe its what is in my tank.

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