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Posts posted by dhoch

  1. Best thing I ever did (and my tank is on carpet, but in our basement) for my large tank.


    Went WITH MY WIFE and purchased (from home depot) a piece of lineoleum for under the tank (with about 4-"6" overhand all the way around, and a 2nd 4' x 4' piece (but my tank is 6' wide) to put down when doing water changes.


    As for the carepet we had 125 upstairs on carpet and there still is a slight indendt 3 year later (but I was told a trick recently to get rid of it, but since we are replacing it we are not going to do).... involved wetting the carpet and get a strong vacuum.



  2. I still had mine as well jhn (old bleached corals as well as some "synthetic" ones)... they are in my tank for either live rock or to add interesting places for fish to hide.


    i.e. the fake staghorn that I placed upside down to form a forest of branches... always a favorite of some fish for sleeping.



  3. College back in the mid 80s... I got my first off campus house (with my brother and my friend) and we started out with the ugliest gold fish you have ever seen (in a 10 gallon tank)... we would feed him spiders and moths and the ocassional flake food.


    We decided that we wanted something more "eye" catching for our parties and I went to the fish store and saw a Lion fish and how they feed.


    Before long we had a 55 gallon in that house with a Lion Fish, an Eel and a handful of feeder damsels...


    The Lion Fish and the eel went back to the store when I graduated and went to Arizona to get a pHD.



  4. Chris,


    I've got voting for last month all taken care of... at least started... just start the new thread for this month, and then when you close the entries for this month PM me that it's time to put up the poll.



  5. That is what I do :)


    Go see this months poll if you want...


    The only ones I worry about are the ones on the home page.


    It does only really take 5-10 mins, but it takes longer (and I need to get a web app made so it's easier) to update the front page of the website.



  6. It's not that difficult.. nor that time consuming...But it does take about 10-20 mins to do one...


    I guess I'll take that part back, but Chris, you need to create the threads... and then send me a PM to say start the voting and which pictures qualify and I'll create the voting thread, and update the front page.


    OK with everyone?



  7. Most of these issues are with programming and without seeing your program it's IMPOSSIBLE to trouble shoot.


    If you would be so kind (and I know it's a PITA) but list your entire program and timers... Once we have ruled that out then we will better be able to say whats going on.


    People unfortunatly don't have DC8s laying around (at least I don't)



  8. You are right.


    And that sounds like wierd behavior.


    Are the switches on the DC8 that set the A1-8, etc firmly in whatever position they should be in?


    If so and the problem continues i would contact Curt.



  9. 1) I read from the manual :eek: that the $,% of # after names denote characters on the display screen. Anyone got a good correlation to what the symbols are and their characters on the screen?


    $ = Light (like a sun rising when on think rays) and without the rays when off

    % = heaters Up arrow when on, down arrow when off

    # = For flow... I forget the symbol(s) that are used here though.

    & = Miscelaneous square Solid box when on, box with hole in it when off


    2) I want my lights to turn on in the afternoon and off late at night, like after midnight. Do I just reorder the ON/OFF lines like below and count on the execution order to take care of this?


    If Time > 01:30 Then LT1 OFF

    If Time > 12:00 Then LT1 ON


    Order is not important, and it's a 24:00 cycle...

    So what you have there is the light will be on between Noon at 1:30 AM (13.5 hour light cycle)


    3) There's a plug for backup 9V. What's that for? Do I plug another wall wart on UPS to that so the AC3 know' power is off but can still function and send out an alert?


    Exatcly (note you need other devices like your router, etc to be on a power supply as well for this to function properly.



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