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Posts posted by Prunfarm

  1. For those in DC who don't know, the CP Petco is closing and will soon be a Target.  Things in store are up to 80% off, and displays are also for sale.  There's not a lot of reef stuff, but I did buy a bucket of IO for $21.20, and foods were 60% off.  They still have cyano covered LR in the displays that they may let go on the cheap.  Lots of products for FW/reptiles/dogs/cats are still available.  Dog and cat foods are 40% off, and meds are 60 or 80% off - can't remember.  I think they have 1 more week until they lock the doors.  Now go pillage

  2. Definitely a mantis shrimp.  You may here clicking coming from the tank, and will start losing hermits and snails.  Many of us have had mantis only species tanks.  I agree the 'star' is a tube worm, and the ??? does look like a majano anemone which will take over and wreak havoc.  I would do some research on the mantis, if you don't want it, somebody will.  Also research the majano, I would try to kill it in place, that rock is darn nice to nuke.

  3. Congrats!  I have to also say sell and start over.  It may add more pressure in finding an apartment that will even allow a tank that size.  Even if you did, you may find the only wall that could fit the tank may not be the best option for you.  New job, new location, get adjusted first.  Then new tank.  

  4. Use the $$ you would spend for a giant tank (even to hold the smallest species), or wobbegongs, fresh foods, vitamins, excellent over sized filtration and take her somewhere nice.  If it's tough keeping up with corals b/c of work (I totally understand) sharks won't be good idea.   

  5. Wasps, I could care less - evil sobs.  Bees on the other hand are a resource that I believe should be kept alive.  Many beeks will remove them from your house for free.  I've been hit pretty hard by my girls before, but I've also been more scared of a gold striped maroon.  Then again, I kept that gsm in the heel of my pimp shoes.

  6. Problem is, hearsay is only not admissible at trial.   :tongue:  I do know what you are saying though.  I'm sure most hobbyists are the same, I know personally that this runs rampant in the beekeeping community.

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