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Posts posted by Kaiser

  1. I know the dilution part if undulate not reach 5ppm I don’t need to dilution
    I’m dosing nionatro to reach higher nitrate!
    Having low nitrate I’m having dino elgea
    My phos was low too

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  2. Thanks for your scientific reply
    In this matter I am dumb
    Whatever you explained I still didn’t get it

    I already ordered the Hanna nitrate HR checkers
    I hard this one easy to test and know the results

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  3. hello, are you looking for an item to buy or seeking help with method? 

    Not looking for to buy anything and I think I got the answer what I’m looking for
    Thanks anyway

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Kalkwasser dosing jar can I put a small power head to stir all the time or just mixed good and leave it without power head stir ? 
    Which one is good method please advice!!

  5. After year all the sudden in my reef rock scapes showing dark green bubble elgea

    i had try manually remove take the affected rocks out of the tanks but can’t control them, it keep growing here and there on the rocks ,, not sure what is the main cause the elgea keep growing 

    my water perimeter is 

    nitra- 10

    phos- 08

    alk- 9

    cal- 440


    ph -8

    Lights cycle 10 hours 

    if anyone knows please give me advice 

  6. It kinda looks like you have an African Flameback Angel in there, but it's only yellow on the face. What fish do you have?
    Some (like the flameback) nip at SPS. 
    There is a big difference in difficulty b/t SPS. Monti are pretty easy, where as imo acropora are much harder to keep. I do think if they were monti that died it was either chemical warfare or nipping fish assuming parameters are pretty stable and everything else is looking good. 

    The angle is good never saw nipping on my any corals
    Not sure why probably me being newbi that’s why all my acropora montipora died
    I’m taking time learning more and try to stability my water perameters

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  7. Where were the corals in the scape?  From the extension of the zoas, it's probably not so bright in the lower half, though that goni in the center looks pretty happy.  Parameters wise it seems generally good, a little high on the magnesium and calcium side, but not problematically so, and the goni, fungia, candy cane, etc. are stony corals that seem to be doing well, so I don't think it's a skeleton-forming-chemistry thing.

    My guess is light intensity and flow.  A breeze on the corals you have will be on the low side for an acro, and there are spots in the scape that probably get a lot less than that. and with the light situation maybe the best spots would be sort of centered under each light, at least mid tank high, otherwise if the lights are down at all, you could likely increase them slowly (less than a percent a day) and not %$#* off too much of what you've got, and then get something sps and give it a try in a higher light and flow area.

    Most of my acropora montipora stage died
    Flow is good I think but the light intensity I put way less then 50%
    I think could be the light per killed my corals
    I’ll try as you say
    Thanks for advice sir

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  8. sps are generally much more sensitive than lps and softies. Stability is key, not just hitting specific parameter numbers. To narrow down the issues, tell us a little more about your tank. Lighting, flow, dosing, actual parameter numbers, testing routine, ect… pictures are also very helpful. There are a ton of variables with sps success. 

    I have tow kessil 360x used runs 12h due to hair elgae now running 8h , have tow flow power head all over my tank getting flow modaretly , I dose 700ml kalkwasser daily (2 spoon with 2g water mix)
    Just checked my water peramiter
    Ph 8.02
    Phos - 08
    Cal- 500
    Alk- 9
    Meg -1430
    Nit- 4

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  9. Need advice guys 
    I have 40g tank over year old , had few sps, hammers, torce and other stoney corals ,
    I put them with my other soft corals like lots of johas, gsp, keintree gonipora few mushrooms and other soft corals ,, one by one all my Stoney corals died but where all my soft corals thrives,,, what is reason dying my Stoney corals 
    I used to change water  every week and all my perimeters  were within range 
    So please pro guys what could be the reason not having lack with Stoney corals !!

  10. I been using this bubble magus dosing pump for a year it was working just fine as I set the program but few days ago the pump stop auto dosing but manually does

    i had turn off the power and tried reprogram but still not auto dosing!!

    anyone can tell tell is it went bad or can be fixed ?

    please hep 


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