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Posts posted by nanoclown

  1. It's the two clownfish, they are the black ones with white stripes. No coral or anything. Early on I had some of the tiny hermit crabs and a snail but they all passed on after 2-4 years. The two clownfish have dug out a little 'home' for themselves by removing some of the sand around a hiding area that is created by the live rock and seem quite happy. 


    I'm in Washington, DC, in the Adams Morgan area. Please let me know if you're interested!

  2. All - 


    I have a 14 gallon biocube aquarium that is the home of a pair of bonded clownfish who have been living happily together in the tank for the last 7 years (the bigger clown is abt 9 years old, the smaller is 7). 


    I'd like to give my tank and the fish away to a responsible owner who would take good care of them. My main worry is that my tank ends up with someone who will take poor care of the fish or try to put them up in a larger tank and something bad happens to them. I'm looking for someone who thinks they can take this on - not that its been super hard to care for them or balance the tank, its a pretty forgiving set up. 


    Hoping someone on here would want to take my set up as it is and keep my buddies together in there. Please let me know if you are experienced and interested!

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