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Posts posted by wbkardine

  1. I've found that firefish need holes to dive into. When I kept them i had to get a long 3/4 inch drill bit and start drilling holes in live rock for them to dive into when they're spooked. If you have enough nooks for them you shouldn't have a problem. What kind of live rock do you have?


    Also I've found with multiple of the same kind of species, it's not the bullied that you should take out, it's the bullier. The bullied firefish, in this case, will heal fine In your display tank. Take out the aggressor and put him in QT for two or three weeks. In combo with the new holes, the bullied fish will have time to establish territory and hide once the aggressor comes back in the tank.


    But yeah, there is nothing wrong with trading the aggressive fish back to the store or trying again with a new one.


    Is there a size difference btwn the fish?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. This was a picture of my 40 gallon that I was running and the current state of the 150 gallon.  I have all my coral huddled under my single AI Sol light right now...but don't worry that's only temporary.


    I got my 150 gallon set up and running.  I made a few changes.


    First...I decided to go with my first Bare bottom tank.  I'm excited to see how well this goes! 

    I moved my Refugium with live sand and chaeto outside of the sump.  I'm trying to get away without having my sump lit, as this creates maintenance issue with hard coralline algae mucking up my pumps and things.


    Eshopps Axium X-220 Skimmer

    BRS Carbon and GFO reactor, set up yesterday!



    New lights: ReefBreeders 48 v2 and 24 v2 under a custom canopy (Going up this week)



  3. I'm new to the forum but have been keeping fish since I was in middle school.



    10-30 gallon FW tetra tanks as a young teen/teenager (5-6 years)

    50 Gallon mixed reef for 1.5 years then upgraded to...

    100 Gallon mixed reef for 1.5 years

    Had to break out of this hobby due to job relocation across the country



    Got back into the aquarium hobby about 2 years later after I got settled in the NOVA area.

    Successful 40 Gallon mixed reef for 1 year (very DIY, custom)

    In the middle of upgrading that to a 150 gallon mixed reef.

    Set up a planted 10 gallon FW tank for my 4 year old son with gold fish fantail and cory catfish


    I got tipped on to this forum by the person I bought my 150 gallon tank from off of CL.  


    Looking forward to contributing to the forum!

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