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Posts posted by Ziggi

  1. Thank you all for such a warm welcome!  :wub:  

    I should go ahead and put the disclaimer out there, I ask a LOT of questions ... half the time it's clarification cause I end up answering then arguing against my own answer... all in the same post. There's a special degree of talent in this one here. Just ya'll wait and see!  :clap:  

    I'll be adding to the build section soon enough. I've got a lot of clean up to do first..... no, first I need to get past this holiday! Busy weekend, hehe!  

    Anywho, Happy Easter everyone!  

  2. ... well, not the hobby so much!


    Hewwo everyone!


    I'm Zi from Silver Spring, MD. I ran across this forum a year or two ago while looking for clubs and stores in the area, but didnt join until now after a lady I purchased a light from suggested it.  :rolleyes:

    I'm not a complete stranger to aquatics, as I've had several planted freshwater tanks over the past 9 years, but jumped into the salty world after a nice Craigslist deal (entire 55 gal set up: light, filters, skimmer, sand, rocks, stand, glass lid, chemical stuffs... more stuffs for $75   :eek:  I'm inexperienced, but no fool!  :lol: )  but maybe 6-8 months after starting it up, I ran into some issues and life got in the way, so the tank's been shut down for about a year after running for ... about a year. (fortunately, I followed the advice of my other aquatic friends so only lost livestock were a few "indestructible" corals and 3 snails.... but that happened before I shut the tank down!... poor things regardless :cry: ) 


    I dont remember what got me jump started again, but, here I am    :wig:  I'd rather say "second time is the charm", not "3rd" though!


    I'm currently in process of building a 29 gallon sump-fugium to hook onto the 55 gal display, hope to keep a low fish stock so I dont get too carried away, and I'm going to try  to purchase everything through local stores and you fellow reefers!  


    Anywho, Happy to have finally joined, so again I say, Hewwo, Everyone!!!  :thumbsup:

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