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Posts posted by scottiep33

  1. I live right down the street from Wrench so if you come up our way you're always welcome to swing by.

    Oh hey thanks man, I went and saw his tank last night, he told me you lived pretty close too, I would really appreciate to check out your setup too.
  2. Welcome to the addiction. The best advice I can give is to visit as many tanks as you can and see them in person while you're in your "sponge" phase. Learn what kind of "look" you're going for. Learn how the equipment works together. Most importantly, learn from all of our mistakes! There are quite a few of us within 15-20 mins of Annapolis. You're welcome to come by my place if you like.

    Hey I would love to come by and see your tank, I work in Glen Burnie so that's not too far. Let me know if you are free sometime soon.
  3. I just built a similar stand yesterday for my 55 Gallon. I also work construction and we can use 2x4s to support entire houses. That being said, it is incredibly difficult to crush a 2x4 so use that to your advantage. Looks great, and I'm sure it will work just fine, but for all that weight on the screws could effect longevity.

  4. Hi my name is Scott, I'm a relatively new saltwater aquarist. I bought a 55 gallon with the intent on making a beautiful reef tank. So far I have built up my liverock, added some fish, and got a few coral frags to tinker with. I'm looking for a better light setup. I'm just a sponge at this point absorbing what I can to help me in my new addiction.

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