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Posts posted by Dpeyton8

  1. Its been almost a week without my tank I feel hurt and my family can tell and my wife feels bad so we talked it over and we decided I could get a small nano no bigger than a 12 gallon that's all I need just to feel happy again I realized how much I love the hobby and what it's done for me and my family agrees this is more than just a hobby for me it's a piece of mind. The amazing fact that we can mimic natural Marine life in our own homes ......sigh


    But anyways im super excited so ill be starting a build on it soon!!!


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  2. Here is another update I added a rose bta nem and a 4 head frogspawn to the tank and as you can see the clowns took to it as soon as it stuck to the rock hoping it stays here if not I'll just let it find its comfort zone also added a cadlights pls 50 skimmer and I must say I'm impressed so far its an awesome little skimmer the first day in it collected some nice dark skimmate .




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  3. So here is an update I went ahead and picked up a clean up crew from quantum reefs the other day and here is a list of what I got


    1 skunk cleaner shrimp

    6 turbo snails

    12 margarita snails

    6 nassarus snails

    12 red leg hermits

    2 emerald crabs


    I'm thinking this should be enough for this size tank I also picked up a beautiful pair of gold stripe maroons I just couldn't resist here is a couple of shots of em.



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  4. So after tinkering with the max a few days I ran into a billion issues that totally turned me off 1st I couldn't keep the water level stable because of my return I tried closing the valve but either there was too much flow into the sump and water would splash every where or it was to little flow and the water was stagnant in the sump and back chamber and it smelled pretty gross I tried almost every method to fix it but I just couldn't get also I couldn't help but feel like I didn't have adequate room to work with it so it had a rimless 40 cube laying around and my wife suggest hey why don't you swap the tanks and keep the stand and at that moment I realized why I loved her so much lol. so I made the swap and it went great but one issue the sump was to small for the tank size and the overflow so I bought an eshops 20 gallon sump/fuge off another member and I gotta say I don't know why I didn't do this in the first place I love this so much better and I have so much more grow out room in the tank I literally have space all the way around to put stuff and also on the rocks. right now I'm using a maxi jet 600 and Tunze 6015 but I'm going to be getting rid of the Maxi jet and using it for a pump for reactor looking to replace it for maybe a WP 25 or an mp10 or maybe another tunze but the way I have them setup I have no dead spots in the tank and things are looking great my pods are already exploding because of some live sand I got from a friend that already had a ton of Copepods in it but here's a few pics of the way it looks now let me know what you guys think....


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  5. So I cut some of the egg crate out of the bottom I left just enough to hold the rock work and I filled her up and got her running so far so good I had to close the valve some though my mag 5 was a bit to much for the sump to handle but I'm hoping once I add the reactor to the return line I'll be able to open it back up full blast again or at least almost lol but that's where I am right now ice been making RODI water since 10 am but I'll keep you guys updated on what's next.....



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  6. Then it will be the easiest $20 you have ever made, plus with Pizzaguys frags, you'll be on a whole new level!


    But in all seriousness, it's looking really good, if you can work magic with tanks in such a short time, I can't wait to see what you can do over the long haul. I would also take out the egg crate out of the bottom, looks like it will just be a detrius trap.


    Yeah I am I just was scared of the rock cracking the tank



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  7. So after being gone for a couple of months and cleaning up a mess of a 40 breeder setup I had I'm back with a rsm 130d build I chose this because I love nanos and I always loved the structure of the rsm for starters I had to drop the top on that bad boy stock lights are great but I don't like the idea of a retro fit on one of these next I said hey a 10 gallon fits in the stand perfect so why not sump this bad boy no drilling just a CPR overflow to keep it simple and clean va6yrame.jpg


    Also decided to go bare bottom with this build and I let my wife do think aqua scape I think she did a H-E-double hockey sticks of a job what do you guys think basy4eju.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/



    Sump/fuge is a 10 gallon with 9 inch baffles and I made use of an old intank media basket I had for the skimmer I'm going to stick with the tunze 9002 with the intank cup u4ebepus.jpg





    My lights are a ever grow d120 and I'm using a rail I picked up from dc reefer to hang it would have used the ceiling but I'm tired of drilling holes lol http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/11/5yhemehy.jpg



    And that's where I am right now this is going to be a dominant sps tank so I'm gonna use a mix of tunze and jeabo wave makers for flow just to eliminate all dead spots but I'll be filling her up tonight just to start getting it cycled. he4adyby.jpg



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  8. I have a huge rock of mixed zoas it has 3 types I know for sure one type is watermelons and the other radioactive dragon eyes but the blue ones I'm clueless if anybody has an Idea I would greatly appreciate your help thanks.Posted Image


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