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Posts posted by tarunteam

  1. NEW TANK STARTED!. The tank was set up about a month ago...Ill be setting up the Auto-top-off tomorrow. Pictures will be coming soon (as soon as the tank looks nice and pretty :P)

  2. Yea, ended up trashing the Zoa's they were meh from the begining. For now im closing the 10 gallon tank at home and opening a 5 gal nano here. Im in the process of making a ATO, and should have it ready by this weekend. Im alos gonna probably end up making a Audrino controller for it eventually. As for the rock, i ended up soaking them in bleach, hydrogen peroxide for a couple of hours,, and then plain water for the entire week.

  3. So, last month I went to India, for my brother wedding. We had entrusted my aquarium to my neighbor. Unfortunetly, my neighbor forgot to add top of water, while i was gone. So by the time i got back, the water was down to 1/2 of the level which is should be at. The salinity in the tank had skyrocketed, the ammonia, Nitrates, Phosphates, and what not were off the charts. Everything, including the fish seemed dead. However, on careful inspections, all my Zoa's somehow survived the entire process. All the apperent Apistaisa had died off. So my question was, has anyone had this experience with their Zoa's. Also, since im basiclly starting a new tank again, is it safe to use the zoa's again without worrying about Apistaisa showing up again, or should i just toss them?

  4. Hey, so i have a bunch of apistisa on my live rock and its starting to be annyoing....i was gonna be swapping out my substrate today, so i was going to remove my frags from my live rock and everything. What would be the best way to kill the apistisa and not harm the live rock too much!

  5. I ordered some ATO stuff from online. Im hoping to have it set up up before i leave., im probably gonna bring this tank home for break and incorprate it into my 10 gallon nano....and then when i get back to college separate it again! . Also the tank is at Virginia tech..So miteee be to far to drive lol. But i would love some GSP frags.

  6. So i finally got everything set up in my pico reef. There no corals in it yet...probably wont be any till i get back again next semester. But i talked to a guy in nova who said he has a small green mantis shrimp so im gonna go grab him when i go back home! But here are the first two photos lmk what you think!


    For corals all i have right now is a green Zoa. I was thinking for the rock on the right i was gonna attach piece of GSP and let it just completely engulf it. For the other rock. Its gonna be home for the Manthis. Once he makes his home i was thinking of transferring over that that Green Zoa and may be some other softies, and maybe one real cheap SPS frag to see if it survives!


    But looking for peoples opinion. Any ideas what i should add or what im doing wrong! any coral suggestions. Seriously Anything you got!



  7. Just a general update, the arognite sand arrived today, so i swapped out the pea gravel for it. Part of the stuff for the LED light came in yesterday so gonna wait till the rest comes in to do a DIY build thread. The HOB filter *should* arrive tomorrow. But who knows...pesky weather. So if that does come in tomorrow, ill be replacing the filter with that. BUT for the next three days gonna be pretty much AFK cuz of test -_-v

  8. HAHA yea becoming a full member today. Thanks for the support everyone. Im probably gonna be stuck with the 10 gallon till i graduate college due to money being tight. College isss wayyy to expensive. But i ended up opening a pico tank here in my room. Missed my 10 gallon way to much. Anyone here going to VT? haha. But yea when i go back this summer im going to try to get a lot more frags for my 10 gallon tank, and maybe frag some of my 10 gallon tank corals and bring them down here.

  9. Hey,

    Im not a complete newbie but still sorta in the early stages lol. i have a 10 gallon nano tank at home which i love so dearly. But right now I'm at college(GO HOKIES!!). I missed my tank at home enough that i ended up setting up a pico tank here. Its been cycling for about 2-3 weeks with some seed rock. I was being stupid and ordred some coral (my bad), and well i lost one already and on my way to losing two more. :/ So nowww im just waiting for it too finish cylicying before i buy more coral, and maybe a fish. ( I really wanted to put in a clown fish, but im pretty sure its gonna be bad for him (unless someone here can help understand how i could care for him and make sure that he/she stays happpy) but if not i was thinking maybe a paired Neon Goby's). But, im superr excited for this tank xD. Will upload photos as soon as possible.


    P.S. Being a college student im prepetually broke, i was wondering if someone could help me out with some used equipment, frags, etc. Of course i'd buy it from . (unless your feeling exceptionally generous, in which case i graciously accept and freebies xD)


    P.P.S I wanted to also sign up for membership but i couldn't find where. Also does anyone know and reef clubs in say the chirstansburg area?

  10. Just saying hi.

    I've a fresh water tank for a while, and i finally decided to try my hand at a salt water tank. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with a CPR refugium, about 12 pounds of live rock and one damsel fish. I also have some softies..but not many lol.

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