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Posts posted by Aurora

  1.  I broke the cover/cap that goes over the impeller housing on my Sicce psk-2500.   It's not a part you can buy but an easy swap if someone has a dead pump lying around.   If someone knows where I can find a replacement cap, it'll save me from having to order a new pump for my skimmer. 

  2. Looks like you have enough interest for 2-3 pallet here.


    Sounds like you have a great reason for an open house. Order a couple of pallet and have people come up to pick up their salt and buy some corals. I can't see you loading 2 pallet by yourself and deliver them to everyone. Last thing you want to do is pull your back from lifting all that salt.

  3. I'm looking for a coral that I fragged extensively a few years back. I had a large table of Sarmentosa and brought several frags to Exotic Aquatics over a period of 2 years. They were very popular and disappeared from the store pretty quickly. I've since lost the mother colony. Does anyone on this board still have a Sarmentosa that they got from Exotic Aquatics about 3-4 years back?<br style="font-family: verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 255); ">



  4. Nylon string may degrade overtime from UV/light exposure if you have MH but the algea encrusting the string would also protect it. I like the idea of suspended rockwork. I achieved mine by building a tripod using Tonga branches and suspend my rock on this tripod pushed into the sand like what the OP is doing with his Tonga branches and leaned the rest against the suspended rock and the back/side walls. I have eurobracing and had thoughts about buillding a net using thick nylon lines attached the the back and side kinda like a hammock and suspending my rocks over this nylon net. The only trouble is I won't have a central clearing and it'll have to be one continuous group of rocks. My coral love ledges and overhangs and seem to grow best at the adges of my rockwork.



  5. I think the article is accurate in many ways. We need to see the other side of the picture. We as reefers take our time to research and learn about our fish and corals. Most reef tanks makes good habitats. For every conscientious reefer, there are ten people who wants to take Nemo home in a glass jar. How many times have you seen fish sold in LFS that you know wont survive in your tank. They are in the store because they can be sold and some bloke is gonna buy the fish and kill it within a year.

  6. I would have the eye checked out by a physician to make sure you didn't get any weird infection especially if you are getting discharge or matting of the eye. On the flip side, my allergies has been bothering me the past week and I think allergy season is starting early this year. The fact that you were "fine" for 5 days make it less likely to be an infection...but you never know.

  7. I have it fairly high up but off to the side. I have a lot of other SPS that are growing at a brisk rate so it's not a tank issue. I've seen a bunch of Blue Iris pics but never seen brown hairy polyps with them. I'm not convinced you have Blue Iris just by growth rate alone. A lot of people on Reefcentral also report bonsai growth rate with them. There are other ORA corals that are teal/blue with brown polyps like Joe The Coral. Unfortunately, a lot of ORA corals have very similar colors. Look up the ORA site for a complete listing and pics of all their corals. If you have brown polyp, it's not Oregon tort or Blue Iris....mine is all blue.



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