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Lisa Julia Photography

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Posts posted by Lisa Julia Photography

  1. The fixture came a few days ago with the 'stock' lights, and the new bulbs came today...even with the 'stock' lights i am happy...the bulbs i will put in tomorrow are: 2 ATI Blue Plus, 1 ATI Purple Plus and a KZ New Generation. I got the 48" Coralife. It was easy to put together but the one difference between it and the JBJ is that i can't 'lift' it so it sits back on the legs, if that makes sense. Other than that it seems to be in good working order. Excited to get the new bulbs in it tomorrow.

  2. I am looking for a happy medium...as a child of the 70's i don't mind a bit of day-glo lol...when my new fixture and bulbs arrive, i will hopefully like the results..something in between day'glo and too yellow/white. I have a Nikon D700 (b/c i am a portrait photographer) so i am hoping that once i have the tank the way i want that i can post pics here.

  3. Okay...thank you for clarifying lol! I ended up ordering the coralife 48" that will not need to be suspended. I just need to replace the bulbs when it arrives if i don't think they will work well.. Thanks for your assistance..i am glad everyone here is so helpful! We have been 'casual' hobbyists for awhile. I have had freshwater fish since i was a kid. We've also got 3 dogs, a hermit crab and a rabbit but my husband is retiring and it will give us more time to 'fancy up' the 72gl...hopefully!

  4. Grim reefer is the one who recommended the light set up in my first post..i didn't want to bug him again to tell him we can't hang the lights...and that last KZ new generation...i don't know if that's a white light or not and some people were saying they aren't worth the money...again..i have NO clue.

    I think i want it to look more on the blue side than yellowish but not like when you have just moonlights on..that's too blue!...thanks again everyone for your patience...i think that link i posted above is the one i am leaning toward...but it comes with lights...i don't know what kinds to get to replace the ones that come with it since they are just 'ordinary'.

  5. Wow...thank you..i am just glad anyone answered! I have been posting on various forums about this lately and either i am told to do a 'search' (which i would if i know what i was searching for lol!) or i have absolutely no idea what they are talking about....so....yes..something similar to the JBJ that sits over the tank (doesn't hang from ceiling) The JBJ is about 8yrs old now and the plexi glass is cracked and we've had to replace the fans on it..we just don't know how much longer it's going to last and we are NOT handy at all...so that is why we thought we'd just get a whole new fixture. What i am confused about is the wattage and the different kinds of bulbs and if different brands would fit into whatever fixture i get.

  6. Hi. I haven't been absent from the forums for a long time...mainly b/c of work etc...but it's time to upgrade my lights. Right now i have a 72gl bowfront with fish and some softies. I have the standard JBJ fixture that's been running 65w cf's for about 7-8 years. I think i want to go with T5. Someone recommended "4 lamp ATI Sunpower or Tek light with 2 ATI Blue Plus, 1 ATI Purple Plus and a KZ New Generation"....b/c i am NOT at all techie or a DIY kind of person, i had to google this and it looks like the ATI fixtures hang from the ceiling...and that's not an option.

    so...my tank is about 21" deep and the JBJ i have now is 48".

    Is there a comparable recommendation someone could make that doesn't hang from the ceiling? Also if you could be specific on the wattage, that would be great too. There are SO many different kinds of bulbs and fixtures that my head is going to explode. If i can keep this under 500 bucks, that would be good too.

    My 'dream' is to have a LOT of color but mostly with mushrooms, ricordia and other really vibrant softies...THANKS!!!

    Also, if you could provide links to what you're talking about, that would be great too.

    THANKS in advance!!!

  7. Thank you for your reply...clown is still alive...i couldn't find anything on the ts blenny and venom so hopefully clown is just stressed...she LOVES the blenny and follows her all around the tank like a puppy...i was so shocked when the blenny attacked.....i peeked at them a little while ago with a flashlight (since it's lights out!) and clown is swimming normally and in her cave under the hairy green mushroom and blenny is under the galaxea in her little nook...hopefully tomorrow clown will perk up a bit.

    I like the idea of taking out the blenny and if things don't look better in the morning, i will do that.

    Thanks again!

  8. All has been well since i got the tank raised false percula and tail spot blenny last Sunday (less than a week ago)...then yesterday i was watching them and taking photos and the blenny ATTACKED my baby clown and 'shook' it in her mouth...I was HORRIFIED!! I have read that some blennies have some kind of venom and now today the clown has been lethargic...not eating and has a white piece of what looks like skin on the bottom of her lip and her mouth seems more open...I am going to FLIP if she's doomed to die. I got them from an extremely reputable and trusted vendor. They have both been getting the pellets that have antiparasitic properties (name espapes me right now) and i have gone through the extra effort of mixing and grinding up every food group that i have read will help them be strong and thrive...the clown was FINE till that 'attack' and i have not seen anymore attacks since that one..but MAN...i can't believe this...i have been at this hobby for over 5 years and i research everything till i am blue in the face...i take it very personally and won't even 'kill' my GSP when they get out of control..anyway..i digress..i know you are all at the party over at Sean's (wish i was there) so nobody will probably see this..but what do i do??? Or maybe i just need some support...i don't want this little clow to die from some wierd blenny venom!!!

    Thanks for reading if you got this far!~

  9. Took my second trip there today and brought my daughter and husband...he was very impressed..and i am down in Woodbridge......it was so worth the trip....I have spent most of my posts here raving about Sean's shop and his great CS. Got a tailspot blenny and false percula today and some other supplies. I will be going back when necessary...i meant to get some more rics but totally zoned out and forgot...good excuse to go back :bb:

    Thanks Sean!

  10. Sean said either the Prazipro would heal her or it would kill her....she seemed to perk up after day 2's bath but i am worried i put in too much on day 3 which was yesterday..she died last night...ugh..i am still so upset i couldn't save her =(

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