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Kimchi Corals

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Posts posted by Kimchi Corals

  1. Please this is ridiculous. Steve is honest and more importantly I have never lost a fish from his store. He actually cares about the animals. The prices are definitely less then most Montgomery county stores. You have to get to know him.

  2. I am currently riding it out! My "outbreak monkey" was a chevron tang that I foolishly decided to not quarantine. The white balls started on the chevron and quickly spread to the purple and hippo tang. Surprisingly, nothing is going on for the Bartlett anthias, purple fire fish, and the fridmani. I have been over feeding and all my fish are delighted! It's been almost 2 weeks. So far so good.

  3. I think the lights look great and very sleek. But I read some reviews concerning the reliability of the LED fixtures. Apparently the LED are designed to function in bundles. when one goes out an entire bundle will burn out. I am sure ELOS will figure it out though.

  4. I have a purple, Naso, Powder Blue, Yellow, and Kole tangs in the tank right now. The purple is the smallest of all and gets picked on once in a while. In the beginning the purple tang almost died because of the powder blue and Yellow tangs. I ended up changing the aquascaping a little to upset the territories of the fish and allow the purple tang to find a safe area. It has taken months but now there is not much fighting between the fish.

  5. Eric, I experienced this same problem. The cyano suddenly appeared approximately 4-5 months after setting up my system. I did everything you have done. I basically took everyones advice tried medicating the tank, water changes, reduced lighting, decreased feeding, and adding a refugium with Cheato. Only after time and the addition of the macro alge fuge did the cyano magically disappear. I read somewhere that cyano may be a part of the normal cycle period of a tank. From my experience I believe that this may be true due to the sudden disappearance of the cyano in my system. Try the fuge with cheato and see what happens. If you already have one it is a matter of time until the cyano consumes all of the nutrients it is feeding on. Some may disagree with me concerning this conclusion, but this worked for me. John

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