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Posts posted by newfish

  1. Not sure if its been suggested yet or not, but I have to recommend the Possum Wrasse and the Yashia Goby.

    These are great fish and the goby can be paired easily with a pistol shrimp.


    Hope it helps.

  2. Major steps in feeding and overall better chemical balances in synthetic saltwater has made goni's a coral not to fear... Ask me how many have died in my shop....ryhymes with "Hero". Feeding is a huge part of success.. Ask me what my mortaility rate is on green chromis.... why do people buy those? Bangaii Cardinals? Hippo Tangs? Powder Blue's/Browns, Copperbands? Acro's....dont get me started on SPS.


    Dont fear the goni's!!! Just ask what you need to take care of them...not an upsell. Tropic Marin, Fauna Marin, Brightwell and Two Little Fishes make great foods that will ensure long term success. I have three service tanks wtih 'em....All three over a year old!


    Just some input from a professional insider.


    BTW, I have some killer Red's and Outstanding Blues that are doing amazing!




    Don't forget to mention the feeder tentacles coming out of some of the Frags. REALLY COOL

  3. Any interest in Pipe fish? The African Blue striped ones that Leishman has are great, there are also the Dragon Pipes which are really cool or Yellow striped pipes which are gorgeous as well.


    Yashia gobys are really cool too.

  4. As most of you know I started with a 30G tall and have recently transferred everything into a 24G AquaPod. Enjoy the pics and feel free to add comments or recommendations. I know that some may disagree with me transferring my tank over but I really like the look of the Aquapod and feel that it will be easier for me as far a maintenance. Everything is looking great and seems happy so far.


    Here is what I have sooo far. Some of the corals in the photos are still adjusting to the new lights so please forgive them they are coming from a T5 fixture to HQI Lighting(Metal Halides). Also please excuse the amateur Photography I am still working with the lighting. When taking macro shots for some reason it makes the picture dark and if I turn the flash on I dont like the way it looks. You will be able to tell the difference(any suggestions welcome)



    Thanks and again, Please enjoy :P


    Full Tank shots




    Devils Hand




    Giant Green Mushroom and Colt Coral Combo








    Zoanthids (Please Excuse the green hair algae on the frags of pink lemonades :P









    Small Piece of Monti(Polyps not fully open yet)












    Thanks for Viewing More to Come Soon


    Gonna wait a little while until I can finish letting the parameters level out(almost there)

  5. Thanks everyone for the advice. I understand that my system is new and may not be quite ready yet. I will wait a while to try again. I will stick to softies for now. They seem to be easier anyways :biggrin:


    Thanks again everyone


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