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Posts posted by mexicanjavafish

  1. Hey everyone!


    Things have been changing a lot lately for me, starting with moving out of my parents house and into a great apartment with a good friend of mine :biggrin: . As most of you know, I had a 75g setup.....which surely will not be going up 3 flights of stairs! So, after racking our brains and trying to figure out what to do, jasonthefilterfreak and I stumbled across the perfect tank for me to take with me: a 34 gallon Solana!


    The tank itself is still at my parent's house in Columbia, but we'll be moving it to the apartment soon!




    I wasn't sure about the tank at first, and I knew I would really miss having the 75, but so far I'm really glad I went with this tank! I love that it's an all-in-one system, and the skimmer it came with works great. The light is a 150w HQI pendant light with 14k bulb which I think gives off a really nice color. The only thing I'm not too happy with is that I won't be able to keep my hippo tang :( (any takers?)


    Current inhabitants:

    1 ocellaris clown (needs a friend!)

    1 picasso trigger

    1 flame angel

    1 orange banded prawn goby (MIA since I put him in the new tank...I even checked the floor!)

    2 BTAs (one red, one green)


    So far that's everything in my tank, more will be moved over just before or just after we move the tank.


    Thanks for reading!


  2. I have a clam that is attached either to the glass bottom of my tank, the sheet of eggcrate on top of it under a 3" bed of sand or both. I will be downsizing my tank and I don't know how to get my clam to let go so I can move him. Anyone have any advice or a how-to? Any help is much appreciated :)

  3. you guys are awesome :]


    he's in laurel md and he did have really good plans drawn up, its just the time restraints keeping him from actually putting it together. last i checked he was having a hard time curving the wood for the door (it's a corner tank). he/we also have yet to start on the led light setup he wants to build. he's got it mostly planned out, the materials just need to be purchased/built. after that the whole thing really just needs to be put together and it should be ready for water :]


    i'm probably forgetting loads of details, it's been forever since i've actually been able to take a look at what needs to be done, but those are the bigs things (i think) for right now.


    thank you so much guys!

  4. So here it is: jasonthefilterfreak has had the world going against him when it comes to getting his tank set up. He's said himself that since his tank teardown so long ago he just hasn't been the same, and I think it's time this one gets set up! He's finished with school (finally! :clap: ) but work (which he loves, btw) demands so much of his time, and it's nearly impossible for him to get anything tank-related done and, as a true fish geek, it's having a real impact on him :sad: .


    It's been a while (work, haha) but in the past he was a very active member of wamas, and would do anything to help anyone he could whether here on the boards or in person. Even now, both him and I try to make it out to ctenophore's place for the usual fish geekery. :scuba:


    I really want to do this for him, and hopefully have it fish ready by christmas, if possible. He deserves it after everything he's done for me and my tank honestly - but I can't do it alone! I want to get a good, solid group of people together who are willing to help with this project. In person would be best if you're close, but I will even take help on the boards if you've got anything to offer. ANYTHING will help! :laugh:


    The only catch is that I would like it to remain a secret for as long as possible. He hasn't been on the boards in quite a while so hopefully he won't see this, but I would appreciate it if no one PMed him about what we're doing during the planning stages. When it comes time to work on the actual tank though, I'll let him know of course!


    Please let me know guys, like I said, ANYTHING will help! Thanks so much everyone! :biggrin:




    oh, also, i'm selling/trading corals from my own tank. perhaps a trade for help?

  5. Well it's certainly been FOREVER and, despite popular belief, I still have the tank and it's looking better than ever :]

    I just took a look at all the old photos and it just hit me how much things have really grown and changed in my tank.....and I figured I'd share a glimpse of that growth with everyone :biggrin:















    There will be plenty more pictures to come - but someone stole my camera when they broke into my car :cry: - so I'll have to wait until I have access to a better camera. These cell phone pics really don't do it justice!

  6. Since I've switched my supplemental lights from 6x5' VHO actinic to a mix of (6) T5s, my coral coloration has greatly improved. So far, every single person who has seen my tank before and after agrees :)


    I very much agree with this statement. At this point I'm debating the lighting choice for my/our new set up being as right now we're running 4 x t5 + 2 x VHO

  7. Really christina and I asked realllllll nice and the very nice security man let us in... we went down to the basement and had it all to ourselves walked around looked at some of the off displays the alligators were cool in tha dark, tried to call a few people to see what was up then left.


    edit: Whoops logged in on her account - Jasonthefilterfreak

  8. Awesome news! I think you are probably way to busy to raise the fry. They will continue to lay eggs as long as they are comfortable and happy.



    well thats good news then, i really can't raise them right now...lol. eventually i think i'll give it a shot.

  9. ...my clown fish laid eggs!!!! After a long day of work, I came home and sat down in front of my tank to relax for a minute and I noticed my clowns hanging upside-down from the underside of the ledge their anemone is on. I got up to take a closer look and sure enough...eggs! Completely random (I wasnt even trying) but still really exciting :biggrin: .


    But now what? Should I try to raise them? Should I just let them be? I know it's a lot of work to raise them...

    If I decide not to try right now, will they continue to lay eggs or will I have to try to get them to?

  10. Wooowwwwww. I mean...I'm all for saving animals, and I'm against animal cruelty and all but....really?


    Well...I guess I do try to pet my fish sometimes, but that's just because I'm weird....but sea kittens?



  11. Wow these look really great! I love them all :]


    I'm not sure if you really wanted help or not, because these look amazinggg and it really doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong at all, but in case you were hoping for some constructive criticism, I have a tiny suggestion. I have had no photography training, nor do I claim to be good at it...I JUST got my first camera for Christmas.. :lol:


    But anyway, as an artist (not professional, btw), maybe research a little on composition? Like placement of objects, foreground, background, main focus, and other related things....lol I was taught composition in art II in I think 10th or 11th grade and I will never forget it, it's really helped me make my paintings, drawings, and sketches better than I thought they could be. Lol, as for placement of objects though, I can understand that would be a challenge to do much about because I'm sure you don't want to move all your corals around just for a picture, and fish just don't stop swimming... :)


    Great pictures, I hope to see more :)

  12. Its a toss up its a model citizen in christinas tank but i've seen them nip corals in other tanks.



    Exactly. The most I've ever seen mine do is chase around new fish for like...a week...but all my fish do that, and then they're all friends :].


    I've had my flame angel for I think almost a year, and he's never nipped or picked at any of my corals, ever, but it might honestly depend on each individual fish. Good luck with yours :].

  13. I've got 2 compact flourescents running over the cheato in my sump and I now have so much of it that at this point, not only can my bristle worms play hide-n-seek in it, I'm sure I could get in there with them.....if I ever got over my fear of those worms... :lol:

  14. As the topic states, I have a serious detritus issue in my sump, and I can't seem to do anything about it. I don't think that I am overfeeding, and I have a clean-up crew in there, and while that helps a little, it's not doing much. I've also tried a filter sock but that gets clogged very quickly, causing it to fill up with water and making the water level in my sump dangerously low....like below my heater and other equipment are.


    Basically I need something fairly simple, and as clean as possible.....large messes will get me into serious trouble.


    Suggestions and ideas would be greatly appreciated :)

  15. i think for the amount of time you will need to treat them 12 should be ok, doesn't jason have anything bigger you could use? And as for treating the ich I was told that something along the lines of egg-crate along the bottom to help prevent reinfection as the fish rests on the bb. Also lots of H20 changes. Best wishes! Don't feel alone I have been reading about a few people battling ich, myself included!


    Jason actually owns the 12g that I'm talking about.

    I'd either have to move the tangs to his house or we'd have to move the tank to mine. He's currently using the tank but I'm hoping we can move it to my house...I'm worried that moving the tangs would really be pushing the stress levels and would make everything that much worse.

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