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Posts posted by Antiguan

  1. TBH since leaving CA two years ago, I have not seen a system like this on the east coast, not once, in the over 400 homes I have been in.


    What you do is hook up what we call a Circ line, or Hot water recirculating system.


    Here is one for your reading enjoyment with a timer system.



    Instant hot at every faucet in the home, all the time.



    Thank you very much.

  2. Hey David,


    I am sorry to hear about your tank. I have an unopened box of IO salt, 75g AGA tank, several pumps and a ton of other equipment. I am far out but willing to come by if you urgently need the equipment or more help.




    Yes, it's a single 2" pipe coming out of the overflow box and draining back into the sump. I'm really happy with how it works. ZERO noise and it carries a LOT of water.


    The other 2" bulkhead towards the middle of the end panel is the input to the CL pump. For now, it's just a snapper, which is WAY too small. I'm going to replace it with a Hammerhead soon.


    The two 1" bulkheads at the top of the end panel and beside the overflow box, are the returns from the sump.




    There are two 1" bulkheads covered by the rock, and there are another two 1" bulkheads towards the bottom of the end panel, just above the sand, they are the returns from the CL.


    We haven't had any issues since filling the tank. This is considered an Industrial tank by Glass Cages and it's really well built.




    Thanks for the info.

  4. Also, Trevor, be careful that they have actually refunded the money and not just conditionally credited you back the money.


    Yes, it's a courtesy credit pending final outcome of BOA's investigation (which I'm hoping is in my favor).

  5. Update


    I spoke to Ron Dileo, Tenecor guy handling AFY customers, and was told that Tenecor is a competitor, not affiliated with AFY and will not be assuming any liability for the company. He said that Tenecor received a call from AFY last Thursday advising them they were closing and Tenecor should try to accommodate AFY customers if possible. He also said that the AFY building in Long Branch, NJ is closed. Here's the kicker- according to Mr. Dileo, AFY told Tenecor to tell AFY customers to call CC company to have them reverse charges. I paid with a Visa Bank Card in early April and after filing a claim with Bank of America yesterday, the money is back in my account this morning, even before they have concluded their investigation. I had to fax them all documentation of the transaction, etc. I learned that there is a 60 day window in which you can be refunded money for items charged on CC. Outside those 60 days you're SOL, like many other AFY customers.


    Lessons learned:


    >if something appears to be too good to be true, it's not

    >if possible, do not make huge purchases on Bank Card, use CC

    >never ever ever give your check info for payment (AFY tried to get me to this over the phone)

    >listen to negative vendor feedbacks from fellow reefers



    Thanks again to everyone for your comments and well wishes.

  6. Dave, thanks for the very helpful information and for doing a background check on the entities involved. I also appreciate all the other comments and suggestions from others. No luck reaching anyone at AFY but I will be contacting Tenecor later today (they

  7. So, they were once a Tenecor competitor and/or Tenecor dealer?


    I do not know the relationship.


    So where does this leave you as far as getting either your tank or your money back?


    I found a thread in the Vendor Experience firum on RC and it appears that they are going to or have filed bankruptcy.


    The writing was on the wall with this one. I had heard through the grapevine that this was going to happen. With all the continious specials they were running they obviuosly were trying to get as much money as they could before closing.


    It's too bad because that leaves the only glass tank builder nearby "glasscages" Oh Boy.


    Yes, the specials appear to have been a scam to defraud folks of money before the ship went down. In fact, my salesperson called me about a week ago and was trying to sell me an expensive stand. After two years of planning and setbacks, I might be down for the count after this.

  8. After paying Aquariums for You and expecting my glass tank (60X30x26) to be delivered in July, I just received the email below. What a terrific welcome back from my vacation.



    Tenecor Aquariums regrets that

  9. I prefer the public housing and high drug areas North and East of that location.



    A lot of folks, including my wife, works very hard to assist children and families in these areas. Most of the people are hard working and, as you know, a few bad apples do not spoil the whole basket.

  10. That is going to greatly depend on how much area you need to do, as well as the location of that area. A basement is going to need a bigger machine due to the fact basements typically hold moisture in the summer time anyway. If it is in a small bedroom you will only need a tiny machine, as in something you get get at Home Depot or Lowes.


    In my setup I use a Drizair by Drieaz commercial model that has a steel casing that my old company took out of commission due to updated models. While this is kind of overkill, I am also using it to draw moisture out of my basement from the house being new.


    Drieaz is one of the leading companies in the industry, and I have used them more than 25 years.


    Sorry for the hijack, but can someone recommend another dehumidifier (for a large basement) that is not as pricey as the Drieaz.

  11. Carl, I am very anxious to get this thing going after almost two years of planning. I'm trying to get all equipments together and members' feedback before tank arrives to minimize major mistakes and delays.


    James, if I am reading the Drain Size Calculator on RC correctly, I would need a 2.5" drain with minimum linear overflow size of 54" in overflow box to keep up with the Dart as a return pump. I also read a Reefkeeping Basics article by Gregory Taylor which recommends that "[e]ven better would be to use two drains of the size recommended, which would allow one to be completely clogged, but the system could still handle the full flow without missing a beat." I plan on having two 1.5" diameter drain with each able to move 1300 GPH with minimum linear overflow size of 20". I have a linear overflow of 28" with the current dimensions of my overflow box (6"+16"+6"). In addition, since the velocity of the water through the overflow box is one of the factors which contribute to noise, trying to balance 3600 GPH with the Dart is no good. I also read that a thinner layer of water into overflow box is ideal but I am unclear on how best to accomplish this. Does anyone know if there is a minimum teeth size for a good overflow box since AFY will bill one to my specification?

  12. I got the Barracuda and it indeed has a 1.5" intake, and is huge (compared to Dart). Is it possible to have too much flow in a tank? The Barracuda, for CL is rated at 4500 GPH at 12' max head and the Dart for return and UV is rated 3600 GPH at 12' max head. The maximum flow for my UV is 2880 GPH. Do I need a smaller pump for return?

  13. I've been to their web-page a few times over the years. Frankly, with Jeff(NAGA) and his "Pimped-out Aquariums" in the local area and a member of WAMAS, I don't see any reason to have something shipped. That is if your talking Acrylic. If your talking glass, the shipping must be "ouch".


    Oops, I just re-read you last post and it sounds like you've already made-up your mind. If not, I'm in Manassas, not too far from Aldie, if you'd like to see a one of Jeffs(NAGA) "Pimped-out" aquarium.


    Larry, thanks for the offer to show me your acrylic tank. I had been debating between glass or acrylic and gave Jeff (NAGA) a call to discuss the pro and cons between the two. With my busy work schedule and inability to clean the tank regularly, we agreed that glass might be a better fit for me.

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