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Chris Ericksen

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Posts posted by Chris Ericksen

  1. Nice tank!!


    Something to think about...just because a coral expands larger in a new location doesn't mean the spot is better for it. It could be getting less light there so it must expand more then before to capture more light.

    That's a good point. I had to compromise because it prefers lower flow and due to it's color a little lower light than say a white bubble coral. So I tried to give it a place where it didn't have much flow, could get some light, but could also hide from the light as it needed. It may be that it has to be that big and expand to get as much light as possible, I'm somewhat out of options as far as placement goes. So I'm going to cross my fingers that it's really a good spot for the long term.

  2. Wow, nice shot. Looks fake. what do you dose? How big is your tank? Is it all softies? FTS? Very pretty!


    Here's the whole tank:



    I just feed the three fish I have and do a cap-ful of Purple Up about 5 times a week (I forget now and again).


    My tank is the RedSea 250 -- this is my first time with an "all enclosed" tank which I love (so far). It's not as fun as the DIY tanks I had before, but then again, I'm at a point where I'd rather spend my time enjoying the tank itself rather than constantly work on it.

  3. I finally found a spot my bubble coral "loves" -- it's continuing to get bigger and bigger. I already had to move my Frogspawn and some other coral I had nearby. You can see it's stinging the Xenia, but that might just be tough. Any idea how big these guys can get? My book says 12" but I'm already almost at that point.






  4. Hi all,


    I have a leather which has been healthy for a good while. Over the last few days or so, it developed this white spot. (see picture) I don't see it healing as the spot has eaten through completely. Should I go ahead and cut away the affect area to save the rest?


    My other leathers are doing fine, so water quality seems to be OK.





  5. Interesting looking coral. Looks like a hook rug. Is one spot white and the other brown or reddish? Could it be brown jelly? When you used the baster did a brown slime come off of it? LPS, if stung or being eaten, can develope brown jelly disease. If it's brown jelly you should have flow on it. Moderate flow will work. You want to get rid of as much of the borwn jelly as possible because it will spread and continue to kill the coral. It can spread to other LPS too. LPS will develop brown jelly from injury due to stings, fragging, anything that causes damages to it's flesh. If it isn't in good water flow the brown jelly spreads. It can spread very quickly.




    ut leave the rest alone).


    Any ideas to get it healthy are appreciated!

    I can add more flow, but nothing brown came off, just some light sand/detritus. The crabs do love that area, so I'm not sure if they're helping or hurting the situation.

  6. have you tried basting the area to see if any detritus comes up?




    I went ahead and basting and quite a bit came up. Appears as though this area is dying off, though the rest of it seems healthy without any discoloration. As I don't know exactly what this is, nor the history of it, I'm not sure if this is something that will spread or a localized issue.


    Thanks for the basting idea, I'm sure the crabs were all over that stuff.

  7. I'm not an expert on LPS but it looks like some sort of brain coral, the spot is hard to make out.


    Here are a couple better pictures. I'm trying to figure out if the spot is something I can do something about AND if the crabs are making it worse... I'd like to keep the crabs for algae control, but I don't want them attacking this guy.



  8. I just got this from a friend. It has a small spot that is getting larger (you can easily see it in the picture, top left area). I'm not sure if it's sick or if my Red Mithrax crabs are eating it (they forage around the spot but leave the rest alone).


    Any ideas to get it healthy are appreciated!


  9. wow - finally see a post from someone in the neighborhood - but not in the biz much longer.........


    so I guess all your livestock is gone??????


    Yes, all the livestock is now relocated. Got any friends who want to start up a tank? This one's pretty much ready to go!

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